Adirondack Mountains

6 Million acres of Wilderness, Mountains, Lakes, and Beauty

Adirondack Mounatins

"...the lands now or hereafter constituting the forest preserve shall be kept as forever wild lands..."

Adirondack Mountains History:

The Adirondack Forest Preserve was created with these words from the New York State Legislature in 1885. Less than a decade later, the Adirondacks became the first constitutionally protected wilderness land preserve in the United States when New York's voters approved the "forever wild" clause, into the state Constitution. 
Today the stunningly beautiful Adirondack Park is comprised of 6 million acres, an area larger than Yellowstone, Yosemite, Grand Canyon, Great Smoky, and Everglades National Parks combined.  The Adirondack Park and Forest Preserve is the largest park in the United States outside of Alaska.
On my numerous trips to national parks and wilderness areas all over the country, I have never found a park with more beauty, accessibility, and a combination  green forests, crystal clear lakes, and jagged mountains.  On this page I have included links to some of my favorite Adirondacks sites along with photos of the Adirondack Mountains from my own excursions to this great wilderness.  Happy hiking...

Adirondack Photos:

My personal collection of photos from camping / hiking / canoeing expeditions in the Adirondack Mountains of northern New York State.

Adirondack Mountain Sites:

The Adirondack Mountain Club The Adirondack Mountain Club
Info on the Adirondack Park - The Adirondacks come to life
Adirondack Mountains Geology - Geology of the Adirondack Mountains
Adirondack Life Magazine - Your Ultimate Guide to the East's Greatest Wilderness
The Adirondack Museum - Explore the Adirondack Museum
The Adirondacks Web - Bryan's Adirondacks Web
Businesses in the Adirondack Mountains Region - Commerce in the Adirondack Region
Mt. Marcy Page - The highest peak in the Adirondacks
Winslow Homer's Adirondack Water Colors - Check out these original paintings
Cascade Mountain Summit - A great hike in the High Peaks of the Adirondack Mountains
Adirondack Mountains Travel on Google - Google's Index of Adirondack Travel Sites
Adirondacks in the Open Directory Progect - Adirondack Links: Open Directory
Adirondack Mountains Outdoors on Yahoo - Adirondack Outdoors on Yahoo directory
The Adirondack 46'rs Club - Forty-Sixers: Climbers of all 4000+ foot Adirondack Mountains

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