The Himms Page

Greetings! I am glad you could join me. I am a student at Washington University, St. Louis, MO. I am from the lovely town of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, which is located about an hour drive west of Philadelphia. And no, I am not Amish, just because I happened to grow up in Lancaster. At Washington University I am studying economics.

Bryan on a covered bridge

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What's going on in St. Louis

Check out the weather in St. Louis

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Here are a few of the things that I have been involved in during my time at Washington University:

Mentor St. Louis
A mentoring/tutoring program for elementary school children. I mentor two students at the Clark School.
Student Life
Washington University's student run campus newspaper. Published bi-weekly.
The Catholic Student Center
A home away from home for me. Fr. Gary is legendary, the staff is cool too!
The Greg-Delos Kinloch Program
An after school tutoring program for grade school children in Kinloch. The program is offered through the Campus Y, at Washington University.
Stone Soup
A student-run group that delivers food to homeless persons in the St. Louis metro area.
Natural Ties
A program which fosters one-on-one friendships between people with and without disabilities. The goal of the program is to eliminate social barriers for people with disabilities.

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