Press Release

10th April 2005  

Press Release of The Monarchist League of New Zealand Inc.  

Royal Wedding 

The Prince of Wales and the Mrs Camilla Parker Bowles (now the Duchess of Cornwall) were married yesterday in Windsor. The BBC's live television coverage (available on TV One) showed once again the Royal Family's ability to combine dignity and splendour in a public, yet at the same time intensely personal, occasion. It is no wonder that the Royal Family have such worldwide appeal.  

The Service of Prayer and Dedication for the Prince of Wales and the new Duchess of Cornwall, in the magnificent St George's Chapel at the heart of the royal castle of Windsor, highlighted the symbolic role of monarchy at the heart of the community, and the continuity of the institution.   

The Monarchist League of New Zealand Inc. joins with organisations and individuals across the globe in extending its best wishes to the royal couple.   

Dr Noel Cox

Chairman, The Monarchist League of New Zealand Inc.




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