Press Release

Press Release of The Monarchist League of New Zealand Inc.   12 November 2002    

The past few days have seen attacks on the monarchy which are unparalleled alike in their baselessness and viciousness. Elements in the news media, publicity-seeking politicians, and certain self-appointed commentators have weighed into the Burrell case. They have failed in their attempts to convince us - against all the evidence - that the Queen acted improperly in that case. Now the royal family as a whole are being castigated for the alleged behaviour of their employees.  This whole story has evolved most curiously. It began with the Wales's as victims of an (apparently) thieving servant. The Queen was criticised for effectively stopping the trial by speaking out when she realised that the prosecution were relying on a case which she knew to be flawed. Yet she had no choice, and acted correctly, as Mr Blair has said. The controversy then descended into Hollywood-style conspiracy theory, and now we are seeing the royal family blamed for the possible cover-up of a decade-old rape allegation - an allegation which had been investigated at the time by the police and the Director of Public Prosecutions.   From time to time there have been allegations - and proven instances - of criminal or improper conduct among the staff of the Royal Household. Such is inevitable in any large organisation. Yet we now have a situation where the media, and others, hold the royal family directly responsible, and there are dark hints about the "scandal" rocking the foundations of the monarchy. Will there be calls for the abolition of parliament the next time an officer of the House is found with his or her hand in the petty cash? Let this whole matter be seen in its proper perspective.  

Dr Noel Cox





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