Press Release

Press Release

12th November 2008

Bells to Ring in Honour of New Zealand's Crown Prince

To mark the sixtieth birthday of the heir to the throne of New Zealand, Prince Charles (the Prince of Wales), bell towers across New Zealand are joining together to ring in his honour. The ringing of bells is a centuries-old art and is an audible sign of celebration.

"This is an opportunity to make a little bit of noise to recognise the birthday of the heir,” says Auckland ringer John Dunn. "We're ringing for Prince Charles, to recognise his place in our nation."

Groups of between six and twelve ringers will perform for about an hour in several cities. Dunedin and Hamilton ringers will ring on 14 November, while Auckland ringers will ring the day before and Wellington ringers will ring the day after.

On Friday the Monarchist League will be hosting a Reception to mark the 60th birthday of the Prince of Wales, at the Selwyn Library, Parnell, Auckland.

Professor Noel Cox





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