Press Release

Press Release 17 September 2003

Report of the Justice and Electoral Select Committee on the Supreme Court Bill

The Monarchist League of New Zealand is disappointed that the majority report of the Justice and Electoral Select Committee has recommended that the Supreme Court Bill proceed.

Not only has a case for abolishing appeals to the Privy Council not been made (other than to say it is "time for such a move"), but one of the motives behind the Bill is the republican agenda of certain Ministers of the Crown. The link between abolishing appeals to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council and republicanism has been impliedly made in the majority report of the Select Committee, and expressly by several members of the Select Committee. The Government does not have a mandate to advance this objective in this piecemeal fashion - or any other.  

Given that the majority of submissions were opposed to the passage of the Bill - including an overwhelming majority of those from Maori, the business community, and the legal profession, the Government ought to reconsider its determination to proceed regardless of opposition. Maori groups in particular may have cause to suspect the motives behind the Bill. Rightly or wrongly this measure is seen as having constitutional implications. As such, it should not be passed without a degree of consensus. This is manifestly not present.

Dr Noel Cox


Monarchist League of New Zealand




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