Press Release

Press Release

28th April 2007

The Monarchist League of New Zealand Inc. deplores the suggestion that Prince Harry, the third in line to the New Zealand throne, should be allowed by the Blair government to become a target in Iraq.

Monarchist League acting chairman Dr Robert Mann said “no doubt the Prince wants to go, with his mates” but pointed out that the Prince of Wales (later Edward VIII) during World War I similarly wanted to get into combat but was debarred from front-line service by Field Marshal Kitchener on the ground that special assassination or kidnapping squads could target him. 

“Prince Harry is a few more heartbeats away from our throne, but he should be protected on the same principle”, said Dr Mann. “Royal family members of this rank are not just any ordinary democratic citizen.”

“Weapons systems are emerging unpredictably in the present Bush/Blair Iraq war which can kill or maim military personnel in what had been thought safe zones.  To expose the prince to this type of danger, especially in an unpopular and futile war, would be wrong.”

Dr Robert Mann

Acting Chairman,

The Monarchist League of New Zealand Inc.




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