

A Constitutional History of the New Zealand Monarchy

This 332-page book was published by V.D.M. Verlag Dr. Müller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. K.G., Saarbrücken, 2008. ISBN 978-3-639-00877-7. This is the first in-depth study of the Crown in New Zealand.

Church and State in the Post-Colonial Era: The Anglican Church and the Constitution in New Zealand

This 362-page book was published by Polygraphia Ltd, PO Box 167, Clearwater Cove, West Harbour, Auckland 0661, New Zealand, http://www.polygraphianz.com, 2008. ISBN 978 1 877332 60 9. NZ$65 including packing and postage.

This book is an exploration of some aspects of the basis of the legal authority of the Church, as a tool in exploring the relationship of church and State in a post-colonial world. It takes as its particular example the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia, but examines issues and concepts which have a much broader, indeed universal, relevance.

New Zealand's Monarchy

This 24-page booklet was published by the Monarchist League of New Zealand, Auckland, 1998. It covers such questions as the history of the monarchy, the royal family, the Governor-General, national anthems, royal standards, coats of arms, honours system, and the cost of the monarchy.

Copies may be purchased NZ$10 (including postage).

New Zealand's Monarchy - A Brief Guide

This small booklet was published by the Monarchist League of New Zealand, Auckland, 1998 (ISBN 11234132). It is an abbreviated version of the above booklet.

Copies may be purchased NZ$5 (including postage).

Monarchist League of New Zealand membership lapel badges

The League has commissioned lapel badges, which comprise the official emblem of the society. The badges, which can be purchased by members for NZ$7.50 each (including postage), are of quality metal work, enamelled in red, white and blue. These are not generally available to non-members.

These badges are made by Brandwell Moller Ltd, Dunedin, one of the few surviving traditional engravers and badgemakers. They will be suitable for everyday wear, as well as proclaiming membership of the League.

1997 Royal Golden Wedding Concert

The video record of the 1997 Royal Golden Wedding Concert, held in Holy Trinity Cathedral, Parnell, Auckland, is still available. This permanent souvenir of a memorable occasion can be purchased for NZ$20 (including postage). The video is in PAL format (not suitable for North America).



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