Cozy Crochet Afghans

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Easy Open Work Afghan
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dc=Double Crochet
hdc=Half Double Crochet
=Right side
=single crochet

tr=treble(triple) crochet
WS=wrong side

afghan55a.jpg (71699 bytes)


          Finished Size: Approximately 44" x  54"
LION BRAND Homespun: 6 skeins
318 Sierra or color of your choice
Size K-10 1/2 (6.5mm) crochet hook or size to obtain gauge.

10 sts= 4"(10cm);8 rows=5"(13cm)

Beginning at the lower edge, chain 102.
Foundation (RS) Sc in 2nd ch from hook;(sc in next ch, hdc in next ch,
dc in next ch, tr in each of next 3 ch, dc in next ch, hdc in next ch, sc in
each of next 2 ch) across- 101 sts; turn.
Row 1- Ch 4 (counts as tr), tr in next sc.  *Ch 2, skip next hdc and dc, sc
in next 3 tr, ch2 skip next dc and hdc  **, tr in next 3 sc; rep from *
across ending last rep at **, tr in last 2 sc; turn.

Row 2- Ch 1, sc in first 2 tr; * 2 sc in ch-2 sp, sc in 3 sc, 2 sc in ch-2 sp **,
sc in 3 tr; rep from * across ending last rep at **, sc in last 2 tr; turn.
Row 3- (RS) Ch3 (counts as dc); dc in each rem sc across - 101 sts; turn.

Row 4-Ch-1, sc in first 2 dc; * hdc in next dc, dc in next dc,
tr in next 3 dc, dc in next dc, hdc in next dc **, sc in next 3 dc;
rep from * across ending last rep at **, sc in last 2 sc; turn.
Rep Rows 1-4 for 18 times more; then rep Rows 1-2 once
more; turn.
Ending (RS) Ch 3 (counts as dc), dc in same dc for first corner;
dc in each rem sc across working 2 dc in center st and 3 dc in
last sc for second corner.  Work 125 dc evenly along first side,
3 dc in corner, dc in each rem ch from Foundation working 2
dc in center st, 3 dc in corner, 125 dc evenly along second side
ending dc in same sc as beginning ch-3.  Join with sl st in top of
beginning ch-3.
Rnd-2  Ch3 (counds as dc), 2 dc in same st for first corner; *ch2,
skip 2 dc, dc in each of next 3 dc; rep from * to corner, ch 2,
skip 2 dc, 3 dc in corner; rep from  * around ending last rep ch 2,
skip 2 dc; join with slip st in top of beginning ch-3.
Rnd-3  Ch 1 , 3 sc in joining; sc in each dc around working 2 sc in
each ch-2 sp and 3 sc in each corner.  At end, slip st in first sc; turn
Rnd-4 (WS) Ch 1, sc in each sc around working 3 sc in each corner.
At end, join with slip st in first sc and fasten off.
Weave in loose ends on WS on fabric


Next Pattern


Please email me if you have questions or
any request orders

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