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Spirit of America Afghan
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CA= color-A
CB= color-B
CC= color-C

dc=double Crochet

hdc=half double crochet
mm= millimeters


sc=single crohet
sl st
=slip stitch

tr=treble crochet
*=repeat whatever follows

the * as indicated
[ ] = work directions given in
brackets the number of times

afghan55f.jpg (75577 bytes)


          Finished Size: Approximately 50" x  68"

RED HEART "Super Saver", or any worsted weight acrylic yarn.

Version 1:  25 ounces No 316 Soft White CA,
14 ounces No. 382 Country Blue CB,
and 27 ounces No. 387 Soft Navy CC

                     Celebrate Your Spirit______________
Though yarn amounts may vary with alternate color versions we
wanted to show you some possibilities for making a Patriotic throw.
Version 2: Red CA, White CB, Blue CC. Work as written
Version 3: White CA, REd CB, Blue CC. Work as written EXCEPT
work stars with CA.
Version 4: Red CA, Blue CB, White CC. Work pattern section Rows
1-4 with CA, Row 5 with CB, Rows 6-9 with CC, Row 10 with CB,
Rows 11-14 with CA, sc section with CB and stars with CC.

Crochet Hook --H-8 [5mm] and J-10 [6 mm]. Yarn needle.

13 sts= 4"; 17 rows= 4" in sc with smaller hook; 13 sts= 4"; 14 rows=6"
in pat with larger hook.

THROW:  With CA and larger hook, chain-219.
Foundation Row (Wrong Side): Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each
ch across; turn- 218sc.

Row 1- (Right Side)Ch-1, sc in first sc, 3 dc in next sc, skip next 2 sc, * sc in
next sc, 3 dc in next sc, skip next 2 sc; rep from * to last 2 sc; sc in
next sc, dc in last sc; turn.

Row 2- Ch-1, sc in first dc, * 3 dc in next sc, skip next 2 dc, sc in next dc;
rep from * to last sc; dc in last sc; turn.

Row 3- and 4: Rep Row 2, changing to CB and smaller hook in last st of Row 4.
Drop CA.

Row 5: With CB and smaller hook, ch-1 sc in each st across. Fasten off CB.

Row 6: With right side facing, insert larger hook in first sc of last row and
draw CA through; rep Row 1 across.

Rows 7-11: Repeat Rows 2-6.

Rows 12-14: Repeat Rows 2-4 EXCEPT change to CC and smaller hook
in last st of Row 14. Cut CA.

Row 15: With CC and smaller hook, ch-1, sc in each st across; turn.

Row 16-46: Repeat Row 15 EXCEPT change to CA in last st of Row 46.

Rep Rows 1-46 for pat twice more, then rep Rows 1-14 once more
EXCEPT change to CB and smaller hook in last st of Row 14.

EDGING- Rnd 1 (Right Side): Ch-1, 3 sc in first sc, sc evenly
around, working 3 sc in each corner; join with a sl st to first sc.

Rnd 2: Ch 4, **(dc,[ch-1,dc]twice) all in corner sc, ch-1, skip next
sc, *dc in next sc, ch-1, skip next sc; rep from * to next corner;
rep from ** around, adjusting as necessary at corners and end of
rnd; join to 3rd ch of ch-4; TURN.

Rnd 3: Change to larger hook; ch-1, * sc in next sp, 3 dc in next
dc, skip next sp; rep from * around, adjusting if necessary at
end of rnd; join to first sc.  Fasten off.  Weave in ends.

STAR: Make- 27
With larger hook and CB, ch 5; join with a sl st to form a ring.

Rnd 1: Ch 2, holding back last lp on hook, 2 dc in ring, yo and draw
through all 3 slps on hook- beg cluster (cl) made; [ch-4; holding
back last lp on hook, 3 dc in ring, yo and draw through all 4 loops
on hook-
cl made] 4 times, ch-4; join with a sl st to top of beg
cl-5 cl.

Rnd 2: Ch-1, * sc in cl, ch-7, sc in 4th ch from hook, hdc in next
ch, dc in next ch, tr in last ch; rep from * around; join to first sc.

Rnd 3: * Working in rem lps of ch, sc in next 4 lps, 2 sc in
ch-3 sp, ch-1, sl st in top and side lps of last sc made,  2 sc in same sp
sc in next 4 sts **, sl st in next sc; rep from * around,
end at **;
join. Fasten off leaving a long end for sewing.

FINISHING: Arrange 9 stars evenly spaced down each of the
three single crochet sections and sew in place.



Next Pattern

Please email me if you have questions or
any request orders

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