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Final thoughts  

Power and beauty - Click to enlargeWho would think that such powerful animals could be in any danger?  How could anyone possibly want to kill these amazing creatures?  These are questions I ask myself over and over without finding an answer.

Like elephants, rhinos, wild dogs, whales and many other animal species, cheetahs are but one more victim of the planet's top predator:  man.

Whether it is loss of habitat, pollution, or the simple desire to have an exotic pelt, or pet, adorning our living room, we are damaging important links in the chain of life.  Each species we lose will contribute to the loss of another, and another, and another...  

I admire and respect those people around the world who have chosen the opposite path:  protecting and preserving every living creature on our planet.  Having spent two weeks with Laurie, Bruce, Bonnie, Amy, Cathy, Fenwell, Matti and everyone at CCF, I witnessed the strength and passion it takes to embark on what seems an impossible task.  Hard work is not enough.  Those people have great knowledge, stamina and, I think, faith.

I hope my experiences encourage you to think, and maybe even contribute to ensuring that the words "endangered" and "extinct" become no more than archaic terms in new dictionaries.

Patricia and Chewbaaka - Click to enlarge  


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Created in  December, 1999, and updated in May, 2001

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