Namibia Botswana Working with Cheetahs If you go... Links

Under Links, check out the Photo section for amazing pictures by other photographers.


To see my photos, select a category:

 Opinions? Suggestions?
Click here for My Guestbook

Cheetah Crazy?
Click here to visit my Cheetah Store.


URGENT APPEAL: Cheetahs need your help to keep running. 

Learn more about them, or adopt one, at the Cheetah Conservation Fund web page.  



Patricia's Travels

Click here to enter 

Call it a photography web page, a travel web page, or a conservation web page...  This is a page about the things I love most.  If you are interested in any or all of these themes, I hope you will enjoy this assortment of pictures and thoughts I have collected throughout my travels.

I have included a page with links to some of my favorite web sites, offering an instant web page translator, plus information on countries, travel, wildlife conservation, photography and many other things.

I will add to this site on a frequent basis.  From Africa to Asia to Patagonia, the world is full of magnificent sights.  I hope you will come back from time to time to check out what a not so good photographer with an immense enthusiasm has been doing lately.

Please bear in mind that while I am not a professional photographer, all pictures on this web page are copyrighted. I'd be honored if you were interested in using any of them, but please do make sure to credit me.  

Thanks for visiting!

Patricia Tricorache

Coming soon: my East Africa experience

(Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda)

Visit Adam's web page. He can organize an excellent trip for you in Tanzania.


A cool African site:


      Click to Save Wildlife Habitat for FREE! CLICK HERE!


Photo Galleries with new pictures!

Cheetahs  Other Big Cats  Elephants  Rhinos  Wild Dogs  Giraffes  Zebras  Birds  Critters  

Reptiles  Antelopes, etc. Landscapes  Sunsets, sunrises  

Namibia Botswana Working with Cheetahs If you go... Links


Created in December, 1999. Updates: May, 2001, November 2002.

Note:  If you like this web page, it is thanks to Pete Lincoln,  my 'special editor' who had the patience and good eye to help me make it better.

All pictures and contents (c) Patricia Tricorache


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