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Big Ideas 7 - 8

Activity Suggestions for Families:
1.  Discuss ways family members can help one another.
2.  Do something nice for your neighbor.
3.  Adopt a "grandparent."
4.  Build a bird feeder.
5.  Set up a family collection box for pennies and nickels.  Donate the
     money a charity of your choice.
6.  Take part in a charity event such as a bike-a-thon.


7.  Discuss with your pastor or rabbi some specific church or synagogue project you can
     help with.
8.  Discuss some things your Tiger Cub can do to help his teacher.
9.  Invite someone to dinner who otherwise would eat alone.
10.  Give outgrown clothes to someone else.
11.  Watch your neighbors' house while they are on vacation.
12.  Help a new child in your neighborhood get to know others.
13.  Make cookies for the postman or deliverymen who come to your house.
14.  Volunteer to help an elderly neighbor with yard work.
15.  Discuss some of your own ideas for helping others.

Activity Suggestions for Your Tiger Cub Den

1.  Visit a retirement home.
2.  Take on a service project for the chartered organization of your Tiger Cub den.
3.  Collect toys or food items and donate them to a community drive.
4.  Participate in a community cleanup project.
5.  Make cards for those in the hospital.
6.  Have a carnival and donate the money to charity.
7.  Have a combined toy sale with all the boys selling their unwanted toys.  Then donate
     the money to charity.
8.  Let your den come up with ideas for its own special project.

Activity Suggestions for Families:

1.  Visit someone's workplace, and discuss the job with your Tiger Cub.
2.  Visit the library and find a book that tells about exciting things
     to see and do in your area.
3.  Watch for the circus, a parade, or county fair, and plan to see
     it together, as a family.


4.  Plan a picnic in your local park.
5.  Your community has all kinds of attractions that no other place has.  Find out about these
     and plan your own family adventures.
6.  Find out where the highest place in the city is, and go visit it.
7.  Why not try one of your own ideas?

Activity Suggestions for Your Tiger Cub Den:

1.  Visit an airport.
2.  Visit a zoo or museum.
3.  Go see a live performance of some kind -- a high school or college play, a ballet,
     children's theater, etc.
4.  Arrange a tour of a local bank, bakery, industry, business, or farm.
5.  Visit a Boy Scout camp.
6.  Try out one of your own ideas.




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