<BGSOUND SRC="tiger2.wav">

Big Ideas 5 - 6

Activity Suggestions for Families:

1.  Discuss your family's traditions.
2.  Develop a family coat of arms.
3.  Talk about what makes you feel good or bad; let each family
     member take part if he or she wants to.
4.  Make a growth chart for each family member.
5.  Discuss family finances and the use of credit.


6.  Develop a "Boy Budget".
7.  Take family photographs and make an album.  Keep it in a place where children can get
     to it easily.
8.  Let your Tiger Cub find out about himself -- where and when he was born, your first
     impressions of him, etc.
9.  Find out all about where you live -- when the building was constructed, the number
     of rooms, stairs, who lived there in the past, any additions, what the land was used
     for before the building was there.
10.  Visit a parent's place of work.
11.  Try your own idea.

Activity Suggestions for Your Tiger Cub Den:

1.  Have a doctor or nurse discuss how we grow.
2.  Have a family photo sharing session.
3.  Share family histories or traditions.
4.  Have a Tiger den families picnic.
5.  Visit someone's place of work that is different from your own.
6.  Select and attend an event that all family members can take part in.
7.  Have a group Halloween party.
8.  Plan your own activity.

Activity Suggestions for Families:

1.  Take a town hike and draw a map of the trip.
2.  Take a town bike trip and make a map of it.
3.  Plan a stay-at-home vacation, finding new places to see and
     visit in your area.
4.  Teach your Tiger Cub to read a road map.
5.  Get a library card for your Tiger Cub and find out about all the


    things your library offers.
6.  Have a block party.
7.  Visit a place of worship different than your own.
8.  Invite your pastor or rabbi to dinner.
9.  Visit your neighbors.
10.  Try one of your own ideas.

Activity Suggestions for Your Tiger Cub Den:

1.  Visit a retirement home.
2.  Visit museums, zoos, or historical sites.
3.  Visit an airport.
4.  Visit a bakery, restaurant, or store.
5.  Visit a fire station.
6.  Visit a hospital
7.  Have a scavenger hunt.
8.  Visit the local recreation department and find out about community recreation programs.
9.  Visit a park or city hall.




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