I just want to remind everyone that I don't know everything about the Last Starfighter, so this Faq has many holes in it.  I will however lie and see how far that gets me.  On to the questions

Q: Was there ever a sequel?  I knew Goonies had one, but I don't know if this one had one.
A:  There was no sequel to Last StarFighter.  There was no sequel to Goonies either.  You're high, drunk and probably mildy mentally challenged.

Q: Who played Alex Rogan?  And where have I seen him before?
A:  That's a good one.  Mainly because I know the answer.  Alex Rogan was played by Lance Guest.  He was in a number of other films in the eighties including
Halloween II and Jaws III. I thought he played the best eighties hero ever.  Some what geeky but very sarcastic and dry witted.

Q:  Dry witted?
A: Shut up it's a word.

Q:  What happened to the lizard aliens with the fake skin after they left Earth?
A:  That's V...further more that wasn't a movie but a mini series for TV.

Q:  Was there ever an actual Starfighter video game?
A:  Kind of....I heard that they actually made an arcade game, but didn't realease it due to the poor selling market for games based on movies.  There was a nintendo game called the Last Star Fighter, but it really had little to do with the movie.  It shared the last name and sold off the idea, but if you ever played it you wouldn't see the connection of this game and the movie.

Q:  I'm looking at my vhs copy of LSF and in the right corner I see a picture of   Xurs septor, but it looks like it's flying in space?  Is this suppose to be Xur's escape pod at the end of the movie?
A:  I don't see your logic, but I'll answer any way.  No it is not his escape pod.  It his septor that you see in the movie.  Why would he go to the builder of the ship (or for that matter the builder of the septor) and say make sure you make it look like my septor.

Q:  Was there ever games, action figures or models based on the movie?
A:  I've seen games and activity books, but no action figures.  I believe there are models of Gunstars but for the life of me I don't know where to get them.

Q:  That ship was huge when it landed!
A:  Ok...that's not a question, but I shall endevor to answer it.  Yes that ship was huge when it landed.  It was the hugest.

Q:  How do we know you're giving us the right answers on these questions.
A:  Go find another LSF page and try to get them to answer your useless questions.  What's that?  There isn't any?  Well I guess you're out of luck then!

Please feel free to send me any questions you have about Last StarFighter.  No I don't know a lot about the movie, but I can sure fake it!
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