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That�s right everyone I�m bringing back one of the most neglected scifi films of all time; THE LAST STARFIGHTER.  Now many of you are saying �What�s the Last Starfighter?  When did is come out? Who�s in it? Are there  any recognizable teen actors in it to increase my bogged down commercialized opinion?�
To answer your question let me tell you why on went on this quest to create this page.

May people who know me have many preconceptions about what kind of things I like.  Clyde�s a big Star Trek fan, Clyde knows a lot of history of Star Wars before the time period of movies, Clyde can tell you a lot about Doctor Who.  These things may be true, but believe or not that�s just a lot of mainstream science fiction.  Don�t know the difference between mainstream and non-mainstream science fiction?  Well let me enlighten you.  Everyone knows about Star Trek and Star Wars.  One has the guy with the pointed ears and the other is the one about the lightsabers.  Most people don�t know about non-mainstream sci-fi like Outland or Battle Beyond the Stars. 

Why is it that some science fiction gets thrown out the window?  The simple reason would be that some of these films were made just to leach off of the appeal of Star Wars.  Of course none of these films had the same flavor as a Star Trek or a Star Wars so they fell into the cracks of obscurity and never went on to become legendary films.  But just because a film didn�t do good in commercial sales and in the box office, doesn�t exactly mean it�s a bad film.

The Last Starfighter is the kind of movie I�m talking about.  No it�s not a big sci-fi fantasy epic, or an adventure through space exploration, but a simple plot that brings you a wide high adventure.  It�s the classic Hitchcock motto of putting a normal ordinary person in an extraordinary scenario.

The Plot:
Alex Rogan (Lance Guest) is a normal teen trying to get out of the trash heap he calls home.  If any of you ever lived in Olathe, Kansas or even the state of Kansas, you�d probably understand what he�s going through.  One of Rogan�s hobbies is playing this arcade game called Starfighter.  One day he manages to beat the game and then a mysterious visitor named Centauri visits him.  It ends up that Centauri is an alien in disguise and he built the game to find potential pilots to fight against Xur and his invading Codan Armada.  Seems like a silly plot so far eh?  Well it just gets wackier�Alex is reluctant to become a member, but when all the other StarFighters are killed he must rise to the occasion and fight of the invading alien fleet.  Along with Grig his navigator, Alex uses a Gunstar class fighter to battle impossible odds. 

The Last Starfighter is by no means a movie that will top Star Wars or Star Trek.  It�s a movie that shows sci-fi can be a good adventurous romp, and doesn�t have to be confusing like most japanimation.  It also utilizes computer effects which was in its infancy back then.  The biggest reason why I like this film is that it was from the eighties and it reminds me of my begotten youth.  I was so young back in 1984.
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