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Fragments of the Past
      Over  the past few decades, the science of archeology has quickly matured to an exact craft. Tools and techniques allow archeologists to map the history of civilization, from cave dwellers to the modern metropolis. Man now looks to the past as though he's mastered it. However, history always humbles us with new surprises.

In 1997, noted archeologist Dr. Ignatz Febur, found such a surprise. While excavating Mayan ruins in Honduras, Febur's expedition uncovered a sculpture with ornamentation unlike any other of the indeginous artifacts. Carbon radiodating of the artifacts from the Mayan ruins in Honduras all registered dates in the 1300's. The mystery sculpture or relic however did not register a year. The carbon radiodating anomaly could suggest the piece is from a modern era.
                 Many of Dr. Febur's colleagues say it must be a hoax, suggesting the mystery relic was placed there in the past decade. Febur and a small minority of supporters contend it would be impossible to have placed anything in the ruins, because the site has been buried from a mountain slide for over six centuries. Furthermore, Febur retorts the carbon radiodating problem may not be because the mystery relic is too new, but it may not be of this carbon based world.
                  The debate over Febur's mystery relic has been quietly forgotten over the years, however in 2000 another archeologist, Dr. Elliot Tims made a startling discovery. While helping guide the restoration of a medieval castle in Northern France, a second relic was found. The relic matched nothing else found in the castle, which originally stood in the early 1100's. Carbon radiodating registered nothing for Dr. Tims' relic connecting it more to the one in Honduras, found an ocean away in 1997 by Dr. Febur.
                   Comparing the two artifacts, they immediately noted similarities in the ornamentation. The two archeologists suggest the pieces are from the same cultures. Other laboratory tests proved both sculptures give off a type of radiation usually associated with meteorites and other cosmic debris. A federal grant has given the duo satellite imagery highlighting areas of radioactivity the registers the same as the mystery relics. Many of the areas have turned out to be actual meteor crash sites. Febur and Tims then cross sectioned the satellite data with archeological points of interest, helping narrow down ideal spots for excavation.
                     Research teams have already uncovered a third relic, found of all places at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, amidst the sunken wreckage of a Turkish trade ship from the 1600's. "The naysayers now just scratch their heads and wonder when we'll find another", a gleeful Dr. Febur announced at a recent fund-raiser for further expeditions. Unfortunately, the finding of more enigmatic sculptures seems only to raise more questions rather than answers.
                      Artifacts that resemble nothing else in this world have been found all over the planet, amongst ruins from various cultures, time periods and continents, these three artifacts seem to link the unlinkable. Theories abound to explain the mystery relics have been surfacing, from nomadic artisans traveling ancient lands, to Atlantis relics saved from the mythical city before the fall. Even more elaborate theories of aliens leaving the sculptures to the people of Earth as guideposts to the future, whatever the theory, something beyond our standards of understanding is going on here. A world wide search by Dr. Febur, his associates and colleagues is still underway in hopes of finding more fragments of the past.
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