
Greece collapses.

You have to bring your own salt.
Michael Bloomberg is okay with shakes and cream drinks, but not okay with “sugary drinks,” 32 oz. bans...right before Natl. Doughnut day.

I don’t like Mountain Dew either, but I don’t aim to ban it.  To shut down restaurants that don’t comply when the demographic stays at home. This will go as far as the public wants it to go.  The public doesn’t want it!
It’s absurd to think this is due to a grassroots effort, the govt. telling people what they can and can’t do, with people who think doing drugs is healthier treat[ing] the public like idiots.  Where does this end?

Price of Oil, per barrel, drops nearly a dollar, to $86.87.

John Edward trial found Not Guilty on one count, and a mistrial on all the others.

Defense of Marriage Act found unconstitutional by a judge.

Carr fill-in on Warren: “I think this woman is a sociopath. ... She just lies, and lies, and lies.”

Glenn Beck wins Patrick Henry award on 5.30, officially today at David Horowitz Freedom Center.

L. Farrakhan repeats the rhetoric of extremist Latino groups — the subversion of the U.S.
If we go to war with Iran, him and his people will side with the Mullahs.  Balkan-style race wars.

Legislation to ban gender-based abortion: “just the latest attempt by Republicans, in the war on women.”  And to try to cutesy up abortion, with “a little girl, instead of a little boy.”  Disgusting.


Those that seek power depend on people’s ignorance.
Elizabeth Warren also claimed, last year in Chicago, to being the first nursing mother trying to take the bar exam in the state of New Jersey.  And she’s being endorsed by Deval Patrick, via press conference.  Let me say this to the common-wealth: we will not talk about that. Liz Warren decides to push Patrick aside when a female reporter persists with the question. Middle class families are being hammered.  Yeah, while people like you live off the public dole, cheating the system.  And some supporters applauded.


Rainstorm, power flicker.

Greece being kicked out of the EU?

Many dating websites have neglected to screen the criminal backgrounds of their members...

Faster than the air.
Cesium in blue-fin tuna, the radioactive compound from the Fukushima meltdown made it to the California coast in 2011, just four months later.


The international bankers pinning people against each other.  Race, religion, “ideology.”

Large planet-sized object heading back toward our solar system, expected in 2060.

Google blacking things out in satellite maps.

Memorial Day: the day to remember those who’ve served this country valiantly.

Such programmers don’t come easy: one of the most complex computer viruses ever discovered.

Sodium fluoride.  It’s in some prescription medication (Prozac...), as it dumbs people down.  And there are now more requests for more of it to be put in the water supply.


A thousand dead dolphins, on Coast To Coast AM

A thousand dead dolphins, in good-looking condition (not starved).
In April, thousands of marine life, including porpoises, and birds washed up on a Peruvian coast.  In May, Peru declared a health disaster for the area.  The cause appears sonic — blast wave(s).  It is still a mystery where the source is.  The closest oil companies operate hundreds of km away.

More continued to wash up, one instance on the 14th.  A press release was made on the 22nd.  Evidence of strong weather changes would suggest harsh activity since January, but those with veterinarian expertise have a hard time believing the Peruvian government’s conclusion.  They gave no hard forensic data, and none of the data gathered by independent sources was addressed.

All of the computer models say that a large portion of the southwest will turn into a desert.
Ancient trees are dying.  To survive the elements for so many trees.  Champion trees, which last over a thousand years in age — a man was told to clone, and plant them far and wide, by spirit beings...  Storms and Earth changes could be coming, the “angelic beings” said.

To live in a forest environment for ten years, and see it disappear.  The natural insecticides and antibacterials trees produce prevented these conditions.  2-10% of Texas trees, gone, two million in 2010.  And that’s just one U.S. state in a global crisis.  You can see before and after photos on the EarthFiles website, side-by-side.

Oltissis, and Directed-Energy weaponry

Streams of (photon) energy that disrupt atomic structures (ato).  Immense amounts of light that blinds anyone that even looks in the general direction — the reason why this technology isn’t used today.  The cutting power exceeds that of the wide laser seen in Real Genius: supposedly, it could be fired for any target, even through the Earth, 8,000 miles or more.  It’s been demonstrated to go through ten feet of concrete like butter.  And where is this dangerous technology?  No one known knows...


Playboy admits their Photoshopping of genetalia in S.E. Cupp’s mouth was done for political reasons.  Still don’t see the double-standard in this imaginary “war on women.”

One Day, a Government Clampdown of the Internet

Facebook teams up with gay rights activists, censoring a number of Christian member sites.
Google and Apple grow the denial of “ugly” free speech.  It’s been extremely difficult to even talk about God on the radio, and now the politically correct censorship [grows] on the internet.

“Making up morals”

There’s no such thing as complete independence.  It is rare that anyone in a population to substantially make up his/her mind; the sharing of ideas will occur.  The loss of morals is a dangerous thing because those who lose them are easily manipulated.


Deafening-roar earthquakes: you don’t hear too many who live to tell about them.  On Coast To Coast AM.

The genetic transformation, interbreeding w. aliens?  Jesus coming through from another dimension?  Forces pushing an American Union, like the European Union?  The Illuminati?

The next guest, who has more credibility, was Peter Schiff.  He predicted the 2008 collapse, but says that the meltdown in 2008 was not the one he was talking about, and was laughed at by everyone but Glenn Beck before it happened.  A result of the debt, the overspending.  He was talking of a cause for complete bankruptcy.  The fed’s reaction to what they thought was the problem caused the problem we see today.  And to encourage more spending and stimulus?  More stimulus, also saying it isn’t necessary — to be boasted of being smart, proving only to be smart at fooling people...the corrupt media, at least.

George Noory remembers a time where interest rates were at 4, 5, 6, 7%.  “Now you’re lucky to get 1%.”  Schiff: With a slow rate of return, inflation is much higher.  We’re no more capable of paying off our debt than Greece.

We are going to have to raise interest rates — saving would have more value.
Record ‘disability’ claims are a result of people not being able to find work.  We are a country doing the most borrowing.  (And we’re not stopping.)  We are simply borrowing prosperity from the future.  “The economy is actually getting smaller.”  An administration, in our lifetime, will be presiding over a collapse.

The President’s war on equity firms backfires

The President’s war on equity firms backfires.  Mitt Romney and Bane Capital— a talking head has a problem free enterprise raping companies...going after Romney via attacking capitalism?  Well, attacking the inevitable R pick won’t work if Obama’s worse in every area except style.

Not-so-Breaking News: Progressive Jon Stewart received forced laughter for something unfunny and disgusting

Phil Donahue, who has a history of getting people fired, doesn’t want Stewart fired.  He instead wants an apology.
Donahue says he was warned ten days in advance of a skit in April, was asked to come on, and then was told off.  Offensive: a naked woman, religious symbol in between her spread her legs.  What if the “comedians” went after, not Catholicism, but Islam?  Dan Savage “goes after religious extremism”...only to go after Catholics.  Donahue nails it (this time) by saying it seems like his religion is fair game because there isn’t any fear of Catholics.  Like CNN, with Christine Amanpour, there needs to be a “balance” by removing facts, and attacking Judaism and Christianity before even talking about Islam.  At least atheist (or “I Don’t Know”) Bill Maher said Islam is far worse than Christianity.  When he’s not using disparaging terms for non-Progressives, particularly conservative women.  Hint: C-women.


Mother superior jump the gun. .. Happiness.. is a warm gun. (aah-aah-aah/gun-gun-gun)

Facebook stock price down 22.

Run on the banks: 30% plunge(s) in Spain.

Child pornography in the Cloud.  Invasive government to the rescue to criminalize something that’s already illegal and immoral.

Atta isn’t a Muslim fanatic; born in the U.S., he went to strip clubs and ate pork

9/11 Truther Sandra (a male guest) on C2C blended spirituality with politics, gave props to Occupy Albany, and called God an anarchist (in a “good sense”).  John B. Wells, filling in for George Nappe (receiving a Peabody award), believes in much of the content...

And the promotion of a Truth party.  I’m sorry, but I hate politics, and I found much of this Sunday program rather disgusting.  Actual journalism requires not jumping to conclusions.  A belief without research or close experience is a delusion.

The kid that lost it “looked like Sasquatch” on TV.

The NC civics teacher, caught on tape glorifying the current president (just imagine the whole semester), was suspended with pay — in other words, she got an early vacation.  This teacher, like many these days, indoctrinates, but resorts to verbal attacks, expletives when challenged.  Do you know that sometimes they don’t read your rights, when it came to “people were arrested” under Bush.  YOU will NOT disrespect the President of the United States [of America]. >>I’m not...  The school told the student to go to the community college.

Obama “wrote” about attacking a girl, but if a male teacher even put one hand on a girl, he’d be arrested.
Barack Obama has a book section in his name in Schools across the nation...yet he never actually wrote a book on his own.  Some of the contents, as it can be heard in Audio Book form: I tried drugs enthusiastically. ... I spent the last two years in/of High School in a daze.  On Jay Leno, in response to whether he inhaled, “I remember, when somebody asked the/this question; I said, that was the point.”

It’s hard to promote yourself when many see through you, laughing over the details

Promoting each other: Pulitzer prize-winner Thomas Friedman couldn’t answer easy questions on Jeopardy, where they really dumbed down the questions.  And the story on Liz Warren is just a distraction—“she was told, since she was seven, that she was [a Native American],” on the Ed Show.


Mag-6.0 quake hits Italy, near Balogna, killing 3+.

Bee Gees’ Robin(?) Gibb dies after a long battle with cancer.

When innocent citizens become the criminal, on Coast To Coast AM

Drugs that cause heart attacks: the pharma control of Congress.  The FDA promoted such drugs, and used around the world.  Viox, a Merck drug.  The payback system — the agents that play their cards right can live like kings when they get out.  Not a single bill exists to tackle the criminality.  No action.

52 mn. Americans, whether they like it or not, will have to pay $5-15K to the insurance companies, come 2014.  It will be up to the courts to strike Congressionally-mandated purchases down.

The “indefinite detention” provision has not been removed, according to recent reports.
This provision allows the government to label any American a terrorist and detain them for any time.  There are no safeguards in this law for the accused to defend themselves.

Injunctions against such laws have not nullified the provisions, but rather got the govt. to not execute them under the applicable jurisdiction.  Violating both First Amendment and Fifth Amendment rights, instead of being able to even define ‘terrorism,’ it’s simply a means to power over the individual.  “Against America or its interests” can define anyone as a terrorist.

Unbridled, paternalistic power always leads to the worst ends.  When facts don’t matter, actual terrorists — about 29 — get through the TSA.


End of the food supply as we know it: Monsanto and another giant say they will try to end hunger in Ethiopia... with genetically-modified food.

Just dying.
Love or security?
I have neither, until I do...I do what I do.
It’s not my fault if no one helps.  And they never do.
This is a prison.
Either help or remain part of the corruption.  Say something.  And they never do.


Don’t make casual a casualty.

Noon Facebook stockprice: ~$43, and could crash at any time (the risk of buyers that get in and get out).  Will the fed have to bail them out?

Greece meltdown: CCC-rating, the lowest rating above failed stateGreece imports nearly all of its oil, food and medicine.  The nightmare experience, where neither the people nor the military can buy fuel.  Spain is next.
Our stocks could crash, but the press are blinded by the Facebook “news.”

Finger in your Arby’s roast beef: staffer loses one with a slicer.

PC-Okay: death threats for a sign that says, “[Just Friends], Not Spouses.”

SWAT teams in Chicago, Miami: now that the somewhat peaceful of the Occupy protesters are gone, you have only the violent radicals left.  Some are taking subways.  And of course, you’re a racist if you deny them their right to take whatever they want.  The Bill Ayers of the world are your friend.

The Amateur was taken off the shelf in 2007.
The book by a legal writer for Barack Obama that listed him as being from Kenya.  (To look cool.)  Oh, the right is talking about them again— it’s 2008 all over again, the media pull all context out.  Like part of some bizarre strategy, Wright and Birther — reduce it to politics.  About crime — what does it mean if the bribery story doesn’t break?  That would mean that the press are now far more corrupt than Nixon ever was.  And that’s not news (obvious).

Martin Bashir makes the injection of Wright about religion, and (MS-NBC) puts on a female hack that makes all ’this, hate porn.  On MS-NBC, an outlet of hate.  And Bashir, another hack of a propagandist that does what he can to make B.S. sound intelligent, tries to attack Romney’s Mormonism, and goes into the history of...rather, historical falsehood that the Latter-Day church segregated.  Just the opposite.  In fact, the Mormons were targeted, killed for being abolitionists.

And to go into polygamy...deliberately not to mention (if they even care to know) the fact that B. Obama Sr. had several wives.  At once, and it was variable in count.  Irresponsibility, et al.  It’s wonderful to know that all the non-thinking people are on your side.  Also scary.

Inflation: 88% of the country pay more in groceries than last year.  People still require help from neighbors.  But if you believe the politicians and the blind reporters that repeat them, things are turning around.  Oh, I’m sorry — reporting the facts is now “hate porn.”

Akashic records on Coast To Coast AM, with a guest that does readings.  With permission, of course.


GE is pushing its WiFi for hospitals.  Great, more radiation poisoning.  If you thought conditions in some hospitals were bad...

Disco star Donna Sommers dies at 63 of cancer.

Stephen Breyer’s been robbed again.

Facebook IPO, tomorrow, $38/share.

Chuck Schumer pushes legislation to deny citizenship to those who renounce theirs.

Fmr. senator John Edwards admits to cheating.  And that won’t end the charges of illegal use of campaign funds, funds used for his cheating.

In 2008, an Obama surrogate attempted to silence Jeremiah Wright with a $150K bribe.

Not-so-Breaking News: Progressive Liz Warren is a liar

I never said I was Cherokee.
Elizabeth Warren, listed as “Cherokee” in a 1984 cook book, when her academic career took off. Passed down through the five families.  And lifted from somebody else.

Another contribution to the cook book, Warren’s husband, Bruce Mann: Oriental beef stirfry.  That qualifies as Native American.  And the admission that the rules apply differently if you’re on the left.  The result: something under every rock.  The Harvard communications director?  Not returning phone calls— reported her as the first person of “color” there.

There are no Pow-Wow Cherokees, but that’s what Warren claimed to be...on CNN, days ago, said she’s proud of her Native American heritage.  She went from “researcher” to professor by checking the race box.


Nothing to see here, folk.  (Only one person views this site, according to my stats.)

Communism didn’t lead to over 80 million deaths in the 20th century for no reason.  Socialism, the ism of financial autocracy, is inherently homicidal.  Marx & Engels wrote about it ‘being necessary in evolution’ to kill the ‘inferiors’ — capitalists, and those not capable of capitalism.

The Weather Underground had no problem with the means to eliminate an estimated 20% of the population.  It’s a good thing they only went as far as they did, but they’re only gone in name.  These terrorists are the people working in government to call those opposed to them terrorists.


Between Monterey and the U.S. border, 49 bodies were found.

Ron Paul suspends his campaign.


Scott Thompson has no such degree.

The latest al-Qaeda bomb plot was unraveled by a double agent, according to...the state dept.?
Many Americans believe that this new underwear bomb plot story was made up.  For more invasive government, unions, corporations.  More invasiveness in general.

Ouch: Patrick Wilson is glad to be off CBS’ A Gifted Man, saying it was a mistake.  CSI: Miami was also canceled.


Maurice Sendak, author of “Where the Wild Things Are”, dies at 83 after stroke.
He also worked on ballets and operas.


Biden points finger at Bush for Iran’s power.

GOP trying to ditch Ron Paul: his supporters at the natl. convention (Tampa) violated party rules and that their 20 delegates may not be seated.

The story where a girlfriend anesthetized the boyfriend to pull out all of his teeth?
It’s a hoax.  The media that do no fact checking were duped again.


$6 bn. goes into paying for illegal immigrants.  If I ever get into trouble, just treat me like an illegal—Howie Carr, with a lot of laughter when Pat Buchanan...sounded as if he was on something for the first part of the show.  A couple of words, laugh; a couple of words, laugh…


Non-metallic underwear bomb, improving on the one that made headlines in 2009.

“Red Skins,” “Braves” voted down due to “offensiveness.”  Idiots say intentions don’t matter.

The bake sale ban advances — even concession stands near sporting events.

Affirmative Action credits: Liz Warren checked the Native Amer. box in legal forms.


Adam of beastie Boys dies of cancer.

Football player, shot to death, apparently committed suicide.


Homeland Insecurity: the denials continue for corruption of the sexual kind

One Secret Service member was outed for engaging in unlawful sexual activity with minor(s)— or “underaged prostitutes.”  There are 10+ of these sexl. predators, including pedophiles, in the DoD, 20+ in Homeland security, and it’s gotten far worse over the last two decades with less and less handling of corruption.

104: the number of campaign fundrasiers held by incumbent Barack Obama,
More than all presidents in the past few decades combined.

Even though there are aims for accuracy here, only trust original sources.