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Finding the right bed can be very difficult for you and your dog. Take it from me... it took three tries until we finally found the right one!

Bed #1

Here is Daisy on her first day at home. The bed looks like its in tact. Problem, the fleece lining is difficult to maintain and keep clean. The dog is able to chew on the materials very easily.

To view the after picture click here.

Bed Life Span: 2 weeks
Cost: $30

Bed #2

Here is Daisy on her 2nd bed.

Pros- the bed has a zipper lining for easy cleaning and maintenance. The bed also contains cedar chips for a fresh scent. The bed was comfortable for her to sleep in.

Cons- beagles for some reason are attracted to chewing on zippers. Some dog experts say that dogs do not enjoy the cedar smell as well.

Bed Life Span: 2 weeks.
Cost: $25

Bed #2

Here is a picture of Daisy and her daddy when her bed was still functional.

Bed #3- Last and Final Bed.

This has got to be the best doggie bed in the world. The bed is called Tough Chew- manufactured by Orvis. I have not experienced any problems with Daisy destroying this bed. Why? There is a lifetime guarantee that this bed can withstand any dog.

Pros: The lining comes off for easy maintenance and cleaning. Daisy loves this bed- she can sleep in it for days. You can also personalize the bed for an extra $5.

Bed Life Span: Eternity
Cost: $95 for the Medium Sized Bed.


Bed #4- Daisy's bed when she is spoiled.

When given the opportunity, Daisy never passes up a chance to sleep with her Mommy and Daddy. Don't get your dogs too attached to this. They might not want to sleep anywhere else. Usually, mom and dad let her sleep on the bed after a nice bath.

Daisy's Bedtime Buddy

Here is Daisy's Bedtime Buddy, Shawnboy. They get along really one. Sometimes after a bath Daisy will try to play with Shawnboy and drag him across the floor.
Daisy and Daddy resting on the bed.

Daisy can sleep through anything. Why? Because she is a lazy Dog. Here is Daddy posing next to sleeping Daisy.
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