Supreme Bijou Spaniels





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I Just Want a Puppy

Why Buy from a Reputable Breeder

by Dana Pini

There is nothing that can ease the anguish of a child whose puppy has gone.

You brought the puppy home. It didn't matter where it came from and you bought it at a good price too. It was a good deal. So what if it had white marks on the head and looked skinny. You just wanted a golden Cocker. You know, that fuzzy long-haired dog.

Then, after huge emergency vet fees which you were willing to pay, it died of convulsions in your child's arms 10 days later. His eyes were brimming with tears. He didn't understand why... neither did you.

You obviously did something wrong. So you started talking to people and decided to buy a pedigree Cocker. After all, they said, you can't get a good dog without papers. When the seller asked you "with or without papers?" you answered, "with", of course. As it grew up, it was kind of long and tall,  it snapped at people, would run away, and one day bit your child. So it had to be put away. Nobody cried over the dog this time. The stitches healed but the scar stayed forever. No dog ever again, you said. End of dog story? Not quite.

You heard this happening to others and started to scrutinize the ads. It was always the same ones. After many calls, you were able to identify them all and most were either backyard breeders, pet shops or dealers. By now, you had done your homework. One of those calls landed you at the doorstep of the FCA where you discovered the world of dog shows and the serious breeder behind them. The one who breeds dogs for reasons other than making a quick profit. The one who genuinely cares and loves his dogs and knows so much about the breed that he can write a book. The one who brings the results of his breeding efforts to dog shows and faces the judge's decision. He may win and his reputation grows. He's the one who takes his time to screen you and then chooses the best one for you. He will not sell you anything but a genuine Cocker with genuine papers, healthy, sound, long-lived and a welcome addition to your family.

So where had you gone wrong? The first time you probably bought from a backyard breeder who was out to make a quick buck after crossing his bitch with the neighbor's dog and they turned out looking like Cockers. The thing is, he also didn't know or care about vaccines and didn't bother to deworm the pup or the mother. Small wonder the pup never made it. The second time-round, you probably bought from a puppy mill or commercial kennel. They have so many dogs, they can't tell who did it with who, but yes, they do have authentic papers around. "Its bound to be one of them so let's register these two". The thing is, it might have been father with daughter, or mother with son, or brother with sister. No wonder you get all kinds of warped genetics and bad temperament. Besides, maybe this one got his shots and the other one didn't. Parasites? "Oh, its just a little tic" and they'll brush it off the pup but what about the deathly internal ones? They don't go to dog shows, have no reputation to uphold and as long as there are people who answer their ads, they're in business. Their victims are people like you who buy straight from them or through most pet shops and pet fairs which they supply.

Your child will  never forget his first puppy and he would have experienced that special bonding that comes with "his" dog  had you chosen a reputable breeder. But you settled for backyard or commercial  reject stock, lured by the "home delivery", "credit card" signs flashing in their advertisements and paid for it. The anguish came free of charge.






Supreme Bijou Spaniels, Juan A. Garcia 4225, 1407 Capital Buenos Aires, Argentina

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Photographs & web design by Dana Pini. Copyright 1996-2005. Site updated 14-7-2005

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