it was only a matter of time...
The Quote of the Day
What the hell is this?
QOTD is all original, all the time.  It's something funny, gross, or sexually tinged (or all three) that is said to/near me and I feel must be shared to mock the speaker (quite frequently it's at my expense.  Sound good so far?).

Many years ago, I worked for a patent law firm.  Let's not pretty it up.  I was basically their receptionist.  I think what happened was I had to turn over a keyboard and check for something and there was this ridiculous warning on the bottom.  Something about the kind of injuries you could sustain from misuse.  There was something about head injuries and all I could think was "The only way to get a head injury from this thing is to hit someone with it."
Well, I thought the warning was silly enough to warrant sharing with a whole bunch of people.  Hence, the QOTD was born!  So it sputtered along for a few months and eventually died.  However, we all know the tale of the Phoenix...

Yes!  It's true!  The Quote of the Day rose like a cybernetic Phoenix from the ashes of our daily foibles!

One day in February (Maybe March?) of 2001, I was riding the Metro to work and watching WAY too many people try and cram onto the train at once.  The doors kept trying to close on some lady's prominent rearward accoutrement and after a few attempts, the doors finally closed.  The woman next to me turns and says:  "She almost lost some of that butt!"

Thus, the Quote of the Day was reborn.  It started with such a small list, but has grown a lot.  Mostly word of mouth.  I control who's on the list, and since it's all blind copied, nobody sees anyone else's addresses.  I control what goes out there.  Yes, QOTD DOES have quality control.  Don't laugh so hard.  I'm serious.
Who the hell is on this list?
Family, friends, one person I don't even know - she's a friend of a coworker wanted to be on the distribution list.  Right now, the number hovers around 120 or so.  If you'd like to be on the mailing list, go ahead and ask the dragon
How the hell do I get in the Quote of the Day?
You really don't want to get on QOTD if you embarass easily.  Some people are pleased and some are horrified.  My mother got in and nearly killed me.
Who ARE all these people and how can I enjoy screw-ups of yore?
You can check out the rotating Cast of QOTD, which includes regulars and select cameos.

You can also check out the new
QOTD Archives!  This was only started recently, and some of the best ones may be lost for good.  In the spirit of artists everywhere, I will try to re-create the most popular ones.
So, if I think someone sounds really cute, can I contact him/her?
Oh, yenta, yenta, yenta...

Of COURSE you can't, you sick bastard.  What the hell is it with you people anyway?  Do I look like a dating service?  And don't try responding to QOTD... if you get on my nerves, you'll end up in QOTD.  If I'm feeling particularly ornery, I'll make it up.
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