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The artist currently known as Steven
"Dragons is SOOOOO stupid!"
Don't ask about the dragon thing.  I used to be totally fixated on dinosaurs and transferred it to dragons.  I had tons tons tons of books about them when I was little. 
What time I have free is split between work, class, and all of my
lesbian social engagements.
I don't have that many vices and my mother was kind enough to inform me that I've been lost in my own little world since I was two years old.  Nothing as refreshing as brutal honesty, is there?
Physical Description:  Hair and eye color change without notice.  My arms and legs are too long for the rest of me and my feet are shrinking as I age.  I'm too short to be a ballet prince and too tall to star in the Wizard of Oz.  And if you can't see it in a picture, you don't need to know about it!  Are we green?
Fave of the mo:  "Dindinha"  It's in Portugese, but it is HOT!!!!
Songs that must be listened to:
The Radio Sweethearts
Don't Know Why
Sleep to Dream Her
Manana is Soon Enough for Me
A Musical Offering
Claire de Lune
-- For the bills: Medical Editor
-- For me: Thrilling the masses
Social Affiliation: 
Dyke Tyke
Porn Name:  Tiger Westcott
Age:  Not too old to laugh at poopy jokes
Sign:  Aqueerius
Blood Type:  Z-Major (Red and cold, mostly sugar)
Shock Trauma Voice
Star Wars and Bugs Bunny mimic
Loudest human on the east coast
Advanced naivete
BA, Dance; BA, English
Certificate of completion, Mim Rosen school of kinesthetic terrorism
Classical flautist, pianist, piccoloist, bullshitist, clumsiest
Chemical Dependencies:
Coffin nails - on occasion
Boozage - I'm loopy by the end of the first drink.  PASS THE CIDER!
Rx - someone could get hurt
C6H12O6 - no less than 2,000 grams/hour
Caffeine - doesn't work except for withdrawal headaches
Philosophies and Colloquialisms:
"Like it or lump it."
"All kindsa"
"You know what that reminds me of?"
"Carpe Este" (Sieze This)
"Reproductum Estum" (Screw That)
"Carpal Cleansus" (I have to wash my hands)
"Jesus Christ on roller skates!"
"Spank you very much!"
"Hold still, I'll show you."
"Could be worse... could be raining."
"Do you think the neighbors can hear?"
Famous People I've met:
Patrick Stewart
Connie Morella
Chelsea Clinton (OK, I didn't meet her, but I practically bowled her over at the Viennese Opera Ball - it was not my fault)
Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred
Favorite locales:
The Holy Land, San Francisco, CA
Arizona - pretty much the whole state
Key West, FL
Hawai'i - mainly O'ahu
Rehoboth Beach, DE
The Shenandoah Valley, VA
Chicago - I had to get here somehow
  beestings - mild        Codeine - scary
  shrimp - just swell!   stupid people...
  Right Eye:  -8.25 diopter
  Left Eye:  -9.00 diopter
*Translation:  If you put on my glasses and look up, you can see Pluto.
Lactose Intolerant to a fault.  Ew.
More than you ever wanted to know about The Artist Currently Known as Steven. Find out from freinds and family just how irritating he really is! 
Ethnicity:  I'm a half-Jewish, part-Native American gay man.  Hitler's worst nightmare.  And I look like one of his troops.  See stealth jew.
Marital Status:  State of Independence. (It's not domestic violence if it happens in public)
Languages:  Approximately six million forms of communication.
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