<BGSOUND SRC="hazel_laugh.wav">
What they all really think about me...
it is to laugh
...I have a bad feeling about this
Yes, yes, it's all about making fun of me.  Respondees include Carolyn, by best friend, Ricarda, the Island Goddess I met in college, Karen, my former roommate, Sarah, my cousin, Allison, a dance buddy, Shady, a dear friend also known as Simple, Dan, a dear friend in Texas, Scratch, friend of old roomie, and Scott, my sister's gay husband.  [Commentary added as needed]
Do I believe in God?  [Let's start small, huh?]
Ricarda:  I think you have created your own god.
Karen:  Yeah, but you think she is a big honking dyke.
Sarah:  We don't really discuss the big guy too much.  Obviously God doesn't believe in us; I'm watching "Celebrity Boxing" and I think I'm convinced the world is coming to a swift and nasty end.
Allison:  I know you believe in rainbows... but I'm not sure if your the "water refracting light" or "covenant after the flood" type.
When you first saw me, what was your impression?
Shady:  jesus, he's madd gay
Carolyn:   I wish I had a cup of coffee.......just like this strange but friendly person. And Wow his glasses are REALLY thick!!
Sarah:  Oh for fuck's sake, I was probably 5 months old, how do I know?
Dan:  What a great dancer, cute, and made me laugh......wanna come home with me?
Allison:  young, male dancer... must be gay
Scratch:  loud
Color hair?
Ricarda:  many colors of the rainbow
Shady:  Loreal #120, 135, 234, 92, 210, 107, 101...o' you meant your real hair color...i thought you meant that patchwork... dirty blonde
Carolyn:  NATURALLY????? Ha Ha Ha!!!!! But seriously, sandy dirty blonde.
Dan:  What day is it? or Depends on your mood....mood hair!
Scott:  You mean, this week?
Allison:  depends which way the wind blows
Do I have any siblings?
Shady:  unfortunately....Lisa (the giggler) and the fashoinable challenged Lynne (hub caps anyone)
Scott:  Yes, I'm married to one...  [THIS ought to cause some confusion!]
Allison:  oh, just a couple -- I think Lynne would be offended if I said no -- then again, maybe
she'd benefit from lack of association??
Where did we meet?
Allison:  Joy of Motion (now doesn't THAT sound kinky...)
Carolyn:  on the school bus, you started to talk to me, you were sitting behind me. the year...1990  [actually, it was 1989]
Have you ever been jealous of me?
Shady:  yes i wish my ass was that hard.. damn it
Carolyn:  Hmmmmm maybe a little because I've always wanted to learn how to dance (then I went to one of your concerts) but not like that!  Which, by the way YOU are very good at.
Sarah:  Only when you had peach fuzz on the back of your head.
Dan:  kinda, Love you for your "I don't give a rats ass" attitude towards the world.  I try to be the same.
Allison:  no -- I don't think the guys I like would be interested in you
What's one of my favorite things to do outdoors?
Ricarda:  groping innocent by-standers  [as the goddess is my witness, I have no clue what to say]
Shady:  sex o wait that's mine....ummm hiking??? how the fuck should I know? all we do is go to the beach, pick up men and shop..that's what gay men are suppose to do.  [it's good to have a plan]
Carolyn:  Any kind of dancing & singing, not just outdoors though, that's just about anywhere. ......but you're not really the outdoorsy type......more like a city boy, but not in a bad way.
Sarah:  I'm not sure I want to know... though we did take photos at a graveyard once.
Scott:  Skip through a field of wildflowers...
Allison:  dance naked while singing songs from JOSEPH.... not
but wait!  there's more...
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