in the US

6/94 Lawrenceville, GA 
at my sister's house, sixteen months after leaving the camp. 

4/96 Clarkston, GA 
in my apartment. Ten months after getting married. 

11/01 Duluth, GA
at home

07/03  Duluth, GA
with Huy, Hoang, two ex-galanger friends at home in Duluth

jan, 2002
at domain de marie, dalat .
I spent my somber elementary years in the boarding school run by Catholic nuns . The chapel was heavily damaged during the Tet event, and later, neglected during the 80s .

01/02  Olympia Hotel , Seoul-South Korea
A stop-over on the way back to the US from Vietnam. This two-week 
trip gave me a tan that took more than ten years here to achieve

02-2003. in the office
casual Friday @ work

Summer 03 - July
canoeing with friends on Ipswicht River, MA 

Duluth 10/03
with an old high school buddy at home. We used to be classmates from sixth grade
to 10th grade in QGNT Saigon until he left VN for the US right before the fall of Saigon in 1975

Madison, Wiscosin 02-04
with a colleague at Company's Headquarter in Madison 


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