KuKu Camp 

A view from inside a fuel depot, where we took shelter for a month. 
There was no platform but bare concrete floor for sleeping, no screen or net to keep the mosquitos out . Blankest were only for young children, elderdy or those who were ill. The smell of gasoline was unbearable at first, later, we got used to with it, and tried to enjoy the beach front view instead . At least it kept us dry during the rain storm season.


A few spots where we used to gather to
chat about the country we left behind 

The main path to the forest where we searched for wild fruits as substitutes for food. There was a group of durian trees that provided needed nutrition for hungry refugees. Picking wild fruit, however, considered a grave violation against the camp's rules . Those who were unlucky to get caught got severe punishment to warn others not to repeat the same mistake.
  Copyright 1999. Thanh Dang
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