galang Refugee Camp

The Galang Refugee Camp was established in 1979, which is run and funded by UNHCR, under the Indonesian administration. Unlike Ku Ku, galang camp was well organized with educational and health programs had been in placed for years which provided refugees good opportunities to prepare for their resettlement.
During 3 and 1/2 years in this camp, I had chances to meet, contact and work with some wonderful people whom I would never forget, and whose support had helped lighten the burden of my exile days.

galang Site I, Zone 3 - wooden barracks,
I had been living in one of this for over 3 years.

Cambodia Village 
the main road in the Camp  that leads to Site I and II from Harbor . 
I often came to this place to respond to request from Cambodian committee for repairs or construction needs , and made quite a few friends . Most of them envetually had returned to their country 

         Galang Site I, Zone - thatch huts along the main road

   Copyright 1999. Thanh Dang
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