Mega-Battle - Mixed Eldar vs. Mixed Marines
Dark Eldar Battle Reports
On Sunday, January 11, 2004, my son, Douglas, and I participated in a 6-player Mega-Battle .  Each player fielded 2000 point armies of their choice which were grouped into two teams: eldar and marines.  The eldar team consisted of  two dark eldar kabals (mine and Jack Ramsey's) and Eldar.  The marine team consisted of an Imperial Fists army (Douglas's army), a vanilla marine army using drop pods, and a Nurgle chaos space marine army.  Six counters were dispersed across the battlefield to designate the possible location of the Objective to be taken and held.  Victory points were used to determine which team won with a 500 VP bonus for the team that held the objective. The Eldar side won by 511 VP.   (click on thumbnail images to enlarge)
Miniatures � Games Workshop 2004. All rights reserved. Used without permission
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Eldar deployment on the left
Eldar deployment in the middle
Eldar deployment on the right
Marine deployment on the left
Marine deployment in the middle
Marine deployment on the right
Jack's Mandrakes delay the Imperial Fists, while my jetbikes destroy their Land Raider
The dark eldar find the Objective on the mountain and the Imperial Fists advance to take it away!
The Eldar team gets to move first
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