Dark Eldar - Battle Reports
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These battle reports were written by me to chronicle some of the league and tournament games that I have played with members of the Pittsburgh Iron Legion.

Some of the battles were fought in the city.  The city battleground was constructed by members of the league over a course of several weeks.  It was featured in issue #265 of
White Dwarf magazine.

Technical note:  The maps that I used for the battle reports were made with
Profantasy's Campaign Cartographer 2 software.  I made custom symbols to represent the dark eldar forces. If you use the symbols you will need to install this font as well
Dark Eldar and Imperial Fists commanders clash on the field of battle...
Miniatures � Games Workshop 2003. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Dan Moore
Photos of a large battle with 6000 points of Dark Eldar and Eldar fighting 6000 points of Marines and CSM.  Check out Wes Ambrose's excellent game board.
Mixed Eldar vs. Marines - Mega Battle -
January 11, 2003
Wych Cult  vs. Space Marines - November 22, 2003 "Priorites " mission.  Game 1 in a Rogue Trader Tournament sponsored by the Pittsburgh Iron Legion. The Wych Cult of Strife gets slaughtered
"This is Heavy, Doc " mission.  Game 2 in a Rogue Trader Tournament sponsored by the Pittsburgh Iron Legion. The Wych Cult of Strife loses again
Wych Cult vs. Orks - November 22, 2003
"The Hunted " mission.  Game 3 in a Rogue Trader Tournament sponsored by the Pittsburgh Iron Legion. The Wych Cult of Strife battles to a tie.
Wych Cult  vs. Space Marines - November 22, 2003
Dark Eldar vs. Dark Angels - May 17, 2003
"Arch Rivals" mission.  Game 1 in a Rogue Trader Tournament sponsored by the Pittsburgh Iron Legion.
"Emissary Escort " mission.  Game 2 in a Rogue Trader Tournament sponsored by the Pittsburgh Iron Legion.
Dark Eldar vs. Space Wolves - May 17, 2003
Dark Eldar vs. Dark Eldar - May 17, 2003
"Battle in the Eye of Terror" mission.  Game 3 in a RTT sponsored by the PIL.  Two of Commorragh's own, Jack Ramsey & Dan Moore battle head to head.
Dark Eldar vs. CSM World Eaters - May 17, 2003 "Fog of War" mission.  Game 4 in a RTT sponsored by the Pittsburgh Iron Legion.  DE & Chaos slug it out!
A Strongpoint mission between 2000 points of Dark Eldar and a mixed force of Space Marine defenders.
Dark Eldar vs. Space Marines - January 1, 2003
Assault on Mars RTT - 2001
A close battle against Tyranid hive fleet Grond as the finale of the RTT.  Mandrakes save the day!
Written by Scott Strickland
Dark Eldar vs. Dark Eldar - December 5, 2001
Cleanse in the City.  A bloody battle where ground troops battle mounted troops.
Pittsburgh Iron Legion - 40K league game
A recon mission in the country.  Wyches rock!
Pittsburgh Iron Legion - 40K league game
Dark Eldar vs. Eldar - January 2, 2002
Rescue in the city.  A close battle decided on the final turn.Pittsburgh Iron Legion - 40K league game
Dark Eldar vs. Orks - February 2, 2002
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