November 22, 2003 RTT
hosted by the Pittsburgh Iron Legion
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Battle report by Dan Moore
Game 1 - Priorities
Dan Moore - Wych Cult of Strife
Larry Paladin - Space Marines
Scenario background:

Each player selects three spots on the battlefield as their priorites.  They are given values of 1 to 3 points and all three must total 6 points.  Objective is to defend your priorities and sieze your opponents.   Player with most points wins. The game was played on a desert battlefield with a few small ruins and NO cover. 

Army information and deployment:

The space marine army consisted of a Land Raider, 2 Predator tanks,a  Razorback with twin lascannons, a Dreadnaught with twin lascannons, a Speeder with multi-melta, an Attack bike with multi-melta, 2 Tactical squads with lascannon/plasma rifle, a Scout squad with sniper rifles, and Librarian with Force weapon and Veteran retinue.  One of the Predator tanks had a hunter-killer missle on it.

Setup was in 10" wide L-shaped zones at opposite corners. Given the complete lack of cover on the battlefield I decided to play the Wych cult agressively and deployed my forces as close to his deployment zone as possible.  This would allow me to get into dark lance and assault range early and hopefully destroy some of his vehicles before their lascannons could be focused on my transports. This was a risky gamble, but I figured it beat the alternative which was park all my raiders in the back corner of my deployment zone and wait to be destroyed.

Battle description:

We rolled to see who got first turn and Larry won the roll.  There was a brief volley of lascannon fire followed by the sounds of three raiders exploding and many wyches being killed. When the smoke cleared all three squads were at or below 50% strength AND pinned courtesy of the Trial Vehicle rules in effect.  Larry hit and destroyed every vehicle that he could see (The HQ raider was screened by two of the wrecked raiders.)  He even had firepower to spare so he started shooting at my Warpbeasts and Hellions with lascannons.

I turbo-boosted my jetbike squad toward the land raider.  The HQ raider advanced 12" and Lelith and her retinue disembarked behind a small rise on the battlefield.  The warp beasts and hellions advanced towards the space marine lines while using whatever cover was available in some ruins. The HQ raider fired its dark lance at the land raider but failed to penetrate its armor.

Larry destroyed my HQ raider with a single shot from his Dreadnaught.  His remaining heavy firepower was concentrated on the reaver jetbikes which were wiped out.  His assault bike killed two hellions.  Tactical squad 1 and the Razorback fired at a warpbeast squad and killed two beasts.

My forces continue their advance toward the space marine position.  My hellions shoot at the Assault bike but fail to wound it.  A warpbeast squad assaults the speeder and manages to stun it.

Larry's vehicles begin to advance and pour their firepower in the the remaining wych cult units.  A warp beast squad, a wych squad  and the hellion squad were destroyed in a hail of bolter and lascannon fire.

My surviving warpbeasts fail to damage the speeder.  My surviving units attempt to consolidate their positions in the nearby ruins.  I offered to concede the game at this point but Larry wanted to keep playing. 

Final Results and Analysis:

In subsequent turns Larry managed to destroy every unit in my Wych Cult army with the loss the attack bike and the tactical squad that was in the Land Raider. The tactical squad disembarked from the Land Raider to destroy my HQ with bolter fire.  Lelith slaughtered them all in close combat before being vaporized by a multi-melta gun.  It was a very ugly loss for the Wych Cult.

There were several factors that made this a devastating loss for the Wych cult.  The lack of cover on the battlefield, the overwhelming space marine firepower, the Trial vehicle rules, and not going first all played a part  in the destruction of my army.  In retrospect  there are not many things that I can think of that would have changed the outcome of the battle, especially since the marines went first.  As I mentioned earlier, I could have deployed my raiders way back in my deployment zone, but I doubt that it would have changed much.  One of Larry's vehicles had a hunter killer missle and his razorback would still have had range to my raiders even in the back of the deployment zone.  One possible stratagem that I considered was deploying all the wyches separately from their raiders at at the start of the battle.  This would certainly have prevented them from being killed as the raiders exploded, however it would have eliminated their mobility, which is the greatest asset of a rapid assault army.  This was one of those losses that I attribute to a poor matchup given the terrain and mission.  As they say: "sometimes you get the bear and sometimes the bear gets you."  The bear feasted in this battle…

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