The Pittsburgh Iron Legion Rogue Trader Tournament - November 22, 2003 Return to Overview
Dark Eldar
Aftermath - A summary  of my RTT experience

I attended the RTT this past Saturday with my son, Douglas, and we had a great time.  There was a huge turnout (47 players registered,) and many impressive armies. The tournament proceedings went quite smoothly thanks to a good job by the Pittsburgh Iron Legion staff.
My Wych Cult of Strife made its first-ever appearance in an RTT and was soundly thrashed in two out of three games.  A combination of tactical blunders and poor dice rolling on my part led to the demise of the Wych Cult. I will get some battle reports written as time permits to let everyone know what happened.

On a positive note I did win the award for best single miniature with my
Reaver jetbike Succubus conversion.  Interestingly, she was a last minute addition to my army, so I am glad that I decided to bring her along.

Two of the more notable armies at the tournament were Dave Taylor's Lost and the Damned army (Best Appearance & Best Conversion awards)  and Lunn Lestina's Firewolves (Player's Choice and Overall Champion.) See photos below:
My Wych Cult of Strife on display at the RTT  Miniatures � Games Workshop 2003. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Dan Moore
My Reaver jetbike Succubus conversion Miniatures � Games Workshop 2003. All rights reserved. Used without permission - model painted by Dan Moore
Lunn Lestina's Firewolves Army
Miniatures � Games Workshop 2003. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Lunn Lestina
Dave Taylor's Lost and the Damned Army
Miniatures � Games Workshop 2003. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Dave Taylor
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