Dark Eldar Conversions
Archon with Trophy Rack
Dark Eldar Conversions
I decided to make my Archon model a little bit unique by adding a Trophy Rack.  In a number of games the +1 Leadership has been the difference between passing and failing morale checks.  After some searching I decided to modify one of the trophy racks that are normally mounted on the shoulders of Chaos marine terminators. I added some 0.060-inch polystyrene rods to the bottom of the trophy rack to extend it.  The rods were appoximately the same diameter as the spikes in the rack.  I drilled some 0.030-inch holes in the bottom of the trophy rack and the ends of the polystyrene rods.  0.030-inch pins (paper clip) and super glue were used to bond the polystyrene rods to the bottom of the Trophy Rack.   I then drilled some 0.060-inch holes in the hair-piece of the Archon's helmet to fit the rod extensions from the Trophy rack.  The rods were glued into place to mount the rack.  QED
Photos Section  (click on thumbnail to enlarge it)
Miniatures � Games Workshop 2003. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Dan Moore
Front view
Rear view
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