Dark Eldar Conversions -
Raider with Removable Base
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One of the first conversions that I ever did with my Raiders was to add removable bases to the model as I always seemed to have problems with transporting the models because of their bulk.  Occasionally the bases would break off, which was another inconvenience.  My solution was to used nested polystyrene tubes to form a socketed receiver for my Raider bases.  A 5/16-inch diameter polystyrene tube was glued into the bottom of the raider body.  A corresponding 1/4-inch diameter polystyrene tube was added to the clear base-plate and the tube was painted black so it would not be as noticeable.  The smaller tube slides nicely into the larger for a snug fit.  The 1/4-inch tube that is attached to the Raider base can be cut to any desired length, which allows you to adjust the height of your raider if you want to.
Photos Section  (click on thumbnail to enlarge it)
Miniatures � Games Workshop 2004. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Dan Moore
A close-up view of the bottom of a Ravager.  The 5/16-inch tube is clearly visible mounted in the model.  A fillet of 5-minute epoxy surrounds the end of the tube.
A side view of a Raider showing the modified base with 1/4-inch tube which is painted black
A bottom view of the Raider showing the 5/16" tube mounted in the model and the 1/4" tube mounted to the base
A view of a completely disassembled Raider.  The modified base can be seen between the tail and screaming jets
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