Dark Eldar - Conversions
The 'Long' Raider / Despoiler
Dark Eldar Conversions
I started this conversion in the spring of 2002 and did not complete it until March 2003.  Originally, the idea behind the conversion was to create a longer raider transport so that 10 standard sized models would actually fit on the transport.   The conversion was approximately 1.5 inches longer than a traditional Raider. I have also used the opportunity to reconfigure the Raider and make it a low-profile ground skimmer.  The driver has been moved to the front with the gunner.  The gunner is on a raised platform behind the driver.  The tail section has been reconfigured to provide less of a target for direct arms fire.  I  put railings around the decks where the warriors stand to keep them from falling off the Raider when it is moved.  Additionally, the railings were configured to hold captured slaves with a variety of hooks, spikes, and shackles.

Some time during the evolution of this conversion I decided to use it as the basis for a new dark eldar troop unit that I wrote up.  The unit is called a Slaver Squad, and it is discussed
elsewhere on this website.  I wanted to give the Slavers their own transport that would be distinctly different from the raider.  I called the new transport the "Despoiler" and it comes standard with Slave Snares, Trophy Racks, and a Horrorfex in place of a dark lance.

More pictures of the conversion while it was in progress can be seen at this
step-by-step process for building the Despoiler conversion can be found here.
Phote Section
(click on thumbnail image to enlarge it)
Miniatures � Games Workshop 2003. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Dan Moore
The Despoiler complete with a Space Wolves prisoner that has been tied to the Trophy Racks
The right side of the Despoiler
A front view of the Despoiler
A rear view from above
A top view
A rear view of the Despoiler
A close-up view showing  the Horrofex, Trophy Racks, and Space Wolves prisoner in the foreground
A close-up view of the Horrorfex.  It was made with a dark lance and bits from the Chaos tank sprue
Right side close-up view
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