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Advice for playing against Orks
"BP" wrote: > >
Hi its me again. I played versus a ork army and i got killed like crazy. I cant assault because its not  a good idea and dark eldar are not that good at shooting so what should i do?
My response:    
You will have to tell me more about your battle with the Orks before I can give you specific suggestions on how to beat Orks.  How big were your armies?  What kind of army did you take?  What did the Ork player take?  What was the mission that you played? What kind of battlefield did you play on?   Original rules or new assault rules?

Generally, Orks can be a real challenge for Dark Eldar because they have large numbers of cheap models.  There are very few high value targets to shoot with dark lances and disintegrators, unlike marines and chaos. Orks win by weight of numbers.

Contrary to what you might think, Dark Eldar are one of the best shooting armies in 40K.  Every warrior has a rapid fire rifle with 24" range, AP5 and BS 4, which means they only need 3's to hit.  Add in some splinter cannons and a squad of warriors can lay down some serious firepower.   Remember most Orks do not get an armor save against splinters so once you wound them they are dead.

You are partly correct about not wanting to assault Orks.  When their squads are full strength you do not want to assault them. Once their numbers are reduced by shooting however, it is best to assault them and finish them off.  Assault on your terms not theirs so you get the +1 attack for charging.

Here are some general guidelines for you when fighting Orks:

1. Take lots of splinter cannons.  Scourges with all splinter cannons are great!  Screen them with your warrior squads so they can shoot but not be shot at.

2.  Disintegrators and destructors are great for cutting Ork squads down to size.  Gotta love those template weapons!

3.  The talos is great for holding up and destroying large Ork squads, especially Shoota Boyz and the like.  Most Orks have S3 so in HTH they cannot even wound a Talos at T7.  I have actually had large Ork squads run away from my Talos because they knew they could not hurt it.   Beware Nobz with power claws.

4.  Wyches are a great unit for assaulting Orks.  They have as many attacks or more than Orks, higher initiative, and they have a 4+ invulnerable save.

5. When fighting Orks it is usually best to let them come to you and shoot the crap out of them.  Don't be afraid to fall back as they advance to gain an extra round of shooting.  Once you have shot up the Orks pretty good, charge them with everything you have.   Use your mobility to pick your fights.  Try to outnumber the Orks on one of their flanks.  You should be able to kill them all before the remaining Orks can move to engage you.

6. Be patient while learning the game.  As I said before Orks can be a real challenge even for a veteran Dark Eldar player.  You will figure them out soon enough.

Send me more info about your battle and I will give you some specific recommendations :)

"BP" wrote:>>
I really dont know the names of the units they had but there were lots of vehicles and things that look like dreadnoughts and o hole lot of men it was a 1500 point battle

My response:
Any time that you play against an army with lots of vehicles/transports (Ork or otherwise) it is best to deal with the vehicles first.  You want to take away your opponent's mobility so that you can attack on your terms.  In the case of Ork Truks and WarBuggies you have plenty of weapons that can destroy them:   Dark Lances, Disintegrators, Shredders, Blasters, and Splinter Cannons.  Your best weapon against these kinds of Ork vehicles is the Disintegrator because they are open-topped so template weapons like the Disintegrator or Shredder get two armor penetration rolls instead of one.

If your Ork opponent uses Dreadnaughts and/or Killer Kans (mini-dreadnaughts)  then it is best to ignore them initially while you destroy all the Truks and Buggies.  The Dreadnaughts and Kans are SLOW.  Move away from them if necessary to gain an extra round or two before they can attack.  When you are ready to destroy them use Dark Lances or Blasters.  Their armor is crap against Dark Lances and they will fall easily.

You did not say anything about the mission that you played or the battlefield.  A few pointers are in order.  Never play a straight-up Cleanse mission unless you absolutely have to. Dark Eldar are good at hit and run fights, but a straight-up toe-to-toe battle is tough for them to win because their Strength and Armor saves are not that good.   Roll on the missions table if you can and try to get a mission that requires you to take an objective, rescue a comrade, etc.  Also remember that in any missions with Attackers and Defenders, the Dark Eldar are ALWAYS the attackers, which means that they will go first..

The choice of battlefield can also be key to the success of your Dark Eldar.  Against Orks you should try to fight on a battlefield with lots of impassable or difficult terrain to slow down their advance and channel them into well-defined killing zones.   I realize that this may not be practical if you are playing at a game store or on a friends battlefield, but it is something to keep in mind nonetheless.  In many tournaments the players get to place the terrain before they start their battle, unless it is a pre-set gameboard.   Usually you roll a dice and high roller gets to place/relocate the first piece of terrain.  Players alternate placing terrain until the battlefield is set.  

Enough general stuff.  Here are a few more specific suggestions against Orks:

1. If you know that you are playing Orks, then take Shredders instead of Blasters.  The S6 template of the shredder is great against mobs of Orks or their open-topped vehicles.

2. If you use a Ravager, then equip it with night shields.  Most Ork weaponry has 36" range or less.  The night shields will reduce their effective range by 6", which will greatly improve the survivability of your Ravager.

3. Use small warrior squads or small mandrake squads to stall an Ork mob that is advancing.  Sacrifice the small squads so that your larger squads can rapid-fire the Ork mobs.  This tactic also works well against Tyranid gaunt broods.

4. Try to keep units like Wyches and Talos available for a counter-charge if the Orks charge you warrior squads.  

5. If you are using Raider squads, then remember that you can deploy the squad separately from its Raider transport. This can save the squad from taking casualties if the Raider gets shot down on the first turn.  It also gives the Ork player twice as many targets to shoot at which can overwhelm them by giving them too many things to think about.

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