Dark Eldar
Dark Eldar - Questions and Answers
Over the past few months I have received numerous questions and requests for advice about Dark Eldar army construction, tactics, and rules interpretations.  I thought that it would be helpful to chronicle some of these so that it might help others that have similar questions:
My thoughts about building a ground-based army when you have limited funds
Advice for building a new army
Some guidelines for building a skimmer-based army from scratch, before you buy any models.
Advice for building a Dark Eldar army
Advice for modifying a dark eldar army list to play against primarily space marines
Review of 1000 point  army list
Advice for playing against Orks
General advice for dealing with the Green skins scourge.
More advice for playing against Orks
More advice on Orks and some recommendations on expanding a dark eldar army
Fine tuning a large army list for success in a Rogue Trader Tournament
Review of 2100 point  army list for a RTT
Comments on an army list that contains all ground-based Troops choices.
Review of 1500 point  army list
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