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More advice for playing against Orks
"BP" wrote: > >
I have a question. When i played againts orks he had two command squads and I went into assault with my archon and 5 incubi and he died. Are these guys so powerful is do i take them dowm sence they have two wounds there just so hard to kill?

thanks(what should i but next for my army)

1-haemonculus (which i never use)
5-incubi 2 with blasters
70- warriors

that about it

My response:    
The Ork player had 2 HQ's?!  That seems over the top to me.  On the plus side it means that he has a lot of points tied up in HQ that could be used for masses of troops.  Usually, the strength of an Ork army is large  numbers of cheap models.   If he is taking lots of Nobz at 20 points apiece then he is playing right into your hands.  Shoot the crap out of him.  Let him advance.  Fall back and shoot him some more. Repeat until his ranks are depleted and then swarm him.  I would recommend equipping every vehicle in your army with disintegrators.   Take as many splinter cannons and shredders as you can.  Target his vehicles first, especially, the ones carrying his HQ's.  Once every vehicle is destroyed/immobilized then focus your firepower on his HTH monsters like the HQ's.  If the Ork player does manage to get close enough for an assault then assault him first.   Wyches and possibly mandrakes are best suited for this role.  They will tie up his HQ's for a considerable amount of time while you destroy the rest of his army. Incubi are usually not the best choice against Orks, unless he has lots of MegaArmor on his Nobz/Boss's. I say this because the Incubi's power weapons are overkill for Orks that normally have a 6+ save.   MegaArmor is a different matter.

What should you buy next?  Start with more raiders, 2 or 3 at the minimum.  They will give your army far greater mobility and firepower.  Ideally, you want a raider for your HQ and Wyches as well as 3 or more Raider Squads.  The balance of your army can be ground troops or more Raider squads depending on your style of play.  

I also think that you should get 2 more incubi with punishers for your Archon's retinue as I am not a big fan of giving blasters to incubi.   Your HQ will have considerably more punch in HTH with two more models that have WS5 and S4 power weapons.

If you think that you will be facing that pesky Ork player on a regular basis then consider getting Drazhar, Master of Blades, for your incubi retinue.  His Disembowler blades cause 2 wounds for every hit and they are power weapons.  That should cut those Nobz down to size :)

If you like using your jetbikes, then I would recommend adding 2 or 3 more models to the squad.  The squad will have much better survivability with a few more models.

The remainder of your list looks solid.  You have lots of troops, some HTH specialists, and decent mobility.

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