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Comments on a 1500 point Dark Eldar army
"JD" wrote: > >
I' ve made myself a list (1500 points) and i don't know if it will work.
Can you take a look??

1500 Pts - Dark Eldar Army No Name
Unit Name ## WS BS St To Wo In At Ld Save Cost
Archon (HQ) 1 6 6 3 3 3 7 3/4 9 5/2(I)+ 355
Independent Character; Fleet of Foot; Agoniser (x1); Splinter Pistol (x1)
  Shadow Field 2+ invulnerable save. If save is failed, field is destroyed. [25]
  Hell Mask Every CC opponent hits on a 6 unless they pass a Ld test. [5]
  Incubi Retinue 7 5 4 3/4* 3 1 5 1/2* 8 3+ [244]
Torm. Hl. & Punisher (x7); Plasma Grenades
    Raider 1 BS: 4 Front: 10 Side: 10 Rear: 10 [55]
Skimmer; Fast; Open-topped; Dark Lance
Wyches (Elites) 9 4 4 3 3 1 6 1/2* 8 6+/4(I)+ 228
Combat drugs: Make 1 roll at start of battle; Fleet of Foot; Splinter P. & CCW (x7); Shredder (x2); Plasma Grenades; Wych Weapons; Enemies never count as having 2 CCW's; Enemies with unmodified S&lt6 halve their WS
  Succubus 1 4 4 3 3 1 6 2/3 8 6+/4(I)+ [22]
Splinter P. & CCW; Plasma Grenades; Wych Weapons; Enemies never count as having 2 CCW's; Enemies with unmodified S&lt6 halve their WS
  Raider 1 BS: 4 Front: 10 Side: 10 Rear: 10 [60]
Skimmer; Fast; Open-topped; Dark Lance
    Horrorfex 18" R, Assault 1 Blast. Can pin unit it hits. Unit has a -1 modifier if under half strength, and -1 per model hit after the first. Must be fired instead of one of the vehicles other weapons. [5]
Warriors (Troops) 16 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 5+ 153
Fleet of foot; Splinter Rifle (x13); Dark Lance (x2); Blaster (x1)
Warriors (Troops) 16 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 5+ 158
Fleet of foot; Splinter Rifle (x13); Dark Lance (x2); Shredder (x1)
Warriors (Troops) 16 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 5+ 167
Fleet of foot; Splinter Rifle (x14); Splinter Cannon (x2)
  Sybarite 1 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 8 5+ [19]
Poisoned Blades (x1); Splinter Pistol (x1)
Hellions (Fast Attack) 8 4 4 3 3 1 6 1 8 5+/5(I)+ 193
Hellglaive (x8)
  Succubus 1 4 4 3 3 1 6 2 8 5+/5(I)+ [49]
    #Hellion Skyboard Move 12" ignoring terrain. +1 Armour save. If model starts or ends in difficult terrain, roll a D6- on a 6 it crashes and is removed. Flee & pursue 3d6". 5+ invulnerable 'jink' save vs shooting. [0]
    Animus Vitae Any models captured by a unit including a model with the Animus counts for 5 vp instead of one. Once one or more models has been captured in this way, the character gets +1 WS and +1 S for the rest of the game. [15]
Scourges (Heavy Support) 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 5+ 145
Jump Packs; Can always deep strike, even if not allowed; Splinter Rifle (x2); Dark Lance (x1); Splinter Cannon (x2)
Talos (Heavy Support) 1 5 3 7 7 3 4 D6 - 3+ 100
Fearless; Moves over difficult terrain without penalty, but if it starts or finishes its move in difficult terrain it takes a wound (no save) on a roll of 1
Total Army Cost: 1499 Pts.

My response:    
I have found several things in your army list that you may want to change.

HQ - Your headquarters unit is large for a 1500 point army.   You may want
to reduce the retinue to 5 incubi.  If you will be playing mostly against
marines however, then it is fine. You  may want to swap the shadowfield on
your Archon for combat drugs (or take both.)  It depends on whether or not
you are using the new assault rules where the Archon cannot be independently
targetted from the retinue. Combat drugs make an Archon far more deadly,
especially if you use +1 attack AND re-roll misses.

Elites - Your Wyche succubus should be equipped with an Agonizer and
splinter pistol.  This will make the unit much more effective against space
marines or anything with power armor.

Troops - Your dark lance squads can  be reduced in size to 10 or 12
models.  I would not give assault weapons to the dark lance squads since
they will likely sit back in your deployment zone and shoot.  Your splinter
cannon squad should be equipped with assault weapons, blasters preferably.
You may want to give the Sybarite an Agonizer and pistol as it will make the
squad more effective in HTH against marines/power armor.  I would also
suggest that you take two large squads (16-18 models) with splinter cannons
and assault weapons instead of one.  If your reduce the size of your dark
lance squads and drop some incubi, then you should have enough points for a
second splinter cannon squad (assuming that you have the models.)

Fast Attack - I have never used hellions, so I am not sure how to advise
you .  It would probably be good to equip the Hellion succubus with an
agonizer or incubi Punisher.  This will make the squad more effective
against space marines/power armor.  If you take the Punisher, then it will
work nicely with the Animus Vitae and the +1 S that it provides.

Heavy - The scourges should all be equipped with splinter cannons.  Dark
lances are a waste for a unit with jump packs because you cannot move if you
wish to shoot the dark lances.  If you do not have enough scourge models
with splinter cannons, then you can modify the models that you do have.
Remove the dark lances and replace them with plastic splinter cannons from
the warrior sprue.

The talos is slow, but it should work nicely with your army since it is
mostly ground based.  Make sure to deploy it at the front of your army so
that it can get into HTH as quickly as possible.

I hope this helps.

"JD" wrote:>>
I read your comment and i adjusted my list to it, you say you have never
used Hellions. I love them, never leave home without them. Their hit and run attacks are a pain in the ass for you opponent. Try it and you will agree with me. The opponents of me are mostly Space Marines, Tau, IG and Necrons.

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