Dark Eldar - Work In Progress
Jetbike with Interchangeable weapons
Dark Eldar Work In Progress
A year ago I posted a method for making interchangeable weapons for jetbikes on this website (check this link.).  The procedure required the addition of "L-shaped hooks on the jetbike weapons that engaged slots in the fin assembly to mount them to the bikes.  Over time I noted that the weapons had a tendency to loosen from the jetbikes and come off during gaming.  Additionally, the plastic, "L-shaped" hooks proved to be too fragile for repeated assembly/disassembly.

I decided that a better means for making interchangeable weapons was needed.  Many of my recent conversions have utilized
small, powerful, rare-earth magnets to great effect so I decided to experiment with using magnets to attach interchangeable weapons to jetbikes.  For my initial conversions I chose to use 1/8" diameter by 1/16" thick disk magnets as they were small enough to mount in both the jetbike fin assembly and weapon mounts. I mounted two magnets in each piece and positioned them on either side of the alignment pin/hole in  each part. The magnets proved to work remarkably well, and they gave a strong bond between the weapon and  jetbike via a simple attachment scheme that required only 4 holes to be drilled (2 in the fin assembly, 2 in the weapon).

Photos Section (
click on thumbnail image to enlarge it)
Miniatures � Games Workshop 2004. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Dan Moore
A side view of the painted jetbike and interchangeable shredder.
The splinter rifle has been  swapped with a Shredder
The painted jetbike on its flying base. 
A side view of the assembled jetbike and interchangeable shredder.
An assembled jetbike with shredder Note the interchangeable splinter rifle and magnet in the foreground.
The same jetbike is easily convereted to carry a shredder.
A jetbike shredder with two magnets (gold disks) added to its mount. Note magnet on left
The jetbike body with two magnets (gold disks) mounted in  its fin assembly
A disassembled jetbike with splinter rifle and shredder in foreground
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