Dark Eldar - Work In Progress
Jetbike Conversions
Dark Eldar Work In Progress
It occurred to me the other day that I have several jetbikes that I do not use on a regular basis because they have weapons upgrades.  When I first acqured some jetbike squads I opted to go with small squads and maximum weapons upgrades mostly for tank hunting.  Now I have twelve jetbikes but six of them have either blasters or shredders.  If I want to field a large squad of bikes, I cannot do it and maintain WYSIWYG.

The solution to my problem was to devise a method to easily interchange weapons on my jetbikes.  After some consideration I decided to add a small "L" shaped hook on the bottom of each weapon that would be inserted into a slot in the main body of the jetbike. The hook was made with a piece of 0.062-inch polystyrene sheet.  The weapon would then slide back in the slot place to lock it into place .  What follows are some pictures of my first attempts to implement this idea.  I think next I will try using metal hooks instead of plastic to make the connection more durable.
Photos Section  (click on thumbnail to enlarge it)
Miniatures � Games Workshop 2003. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Dan Moore
The 'L" shaped hook added to a splinter rifle
Both weapons with L-shaped hooks.  The top fin section has a slot just long enough for the hook
A slot is cut in the jetbike body to allow the L-shaped hook to slide freely
The splinter rifle is mounted in the top fin section
A bottom view of the top fin with the blaster in place
A view of the components.  The top fin will be glued to the jetbike body
The same jetbike with a new splinter rifle mounted.  QED
The original jetbike with Blaster
An assembled and dis-sassembled jetbike with blaster
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