Dark Eldar - Work In Progress
Slaver squad and Despoiler Transport
Dark Eldar Work in Progress
A while back I wrote up a unit description and rules for a Slaver Squad as an alternative troop choice for the Dark Eldar.  The premise for the squad was a unit that specializes in taking slaves alive by using a variety of non-lethal weaponry.  The Slaver Squad rules and unit description can be found elsewhere on my website.

I started playtesting the Slaver squad a couple weeks ago and decided to build some new models to represent the unit instead of proxying them with warrior squads and raiders. 

The Slavers were made exclusively with bits from the plastic warrior sprue.  Their primary weapon, the Stun Lash, was made with the knife handle, a paperclip, and the ponytail from the warrior head without a helmet.

The Despoiler Transport was adopted from another modeling project that I have been working on, the "
Long Raider" concept.  I added slave snares, trophy racks, and a Horrorfex to the model to convert it to a Despoiler transport.

Photo Section (
click on thumbnail to enlarge it)
Miniatures � Games Workshop 2003. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Dan Moore
New photos: 5 March 2003:
The partially painted Despoiler.  I need to finish detailing it and add the slave snares
The first painted slaver.  The helmet plume and pistol are a different color from my warrior squads
Original  photos:
A full 8-man Slaver squad
Slavers made with bits from the warrior sprue.  The Stun Lash was made from the knife handle and a ponytail from a warrior head
A full 8-man Slaver squad mounted on a Despoiler transport
Right side view
A front view
See more photos of the Despoiler transport
A top view
A rear view
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