Dark Eldar - Work In Progress
Warrior sprue conversions
Dark Eldar Work in Progress
Some time ago I wrote an article for this website about building a Dark Eldar army on  a limited budget. One of my recommendations was to use the plastic dark eldar warrior sprues to create both mandrakes and grotesques for a ground-based army.  I decided that it might be worthwhile to make several of these conversions and document them photograhically so that everyone could see how it is done. 

I made mandrakes by using warrior bodies and giving them blades and a pistol. You can use the warrior heads that have no helmet and a pony tail or alternately heads from jetbike riders as I did.  I also carved off the shoulder pads on the warrior body and rounded the shoulders to further distinguish the models from normal warriors.

The grotesques were made by simply cutting the hands off the warrior models and glueing on blades.  The blades were from some of  the splinter rifles on the plastic warrior sprue.  Warrrior heads without helmets work best for the grotesques.  I used the warrior head with ponytail.   I also modified the torso and legs of my grotesques by carving some grooves in the midsection and leg to represent "modifications" made by the Haemonculi.

Update 3 March 2003:  I finished painting my prototype conversion models.  I photographed them with actual models of a mandrake and grotesque for comparison purposes.
Photo Section (
click on thumbnail to enlarge it)
Miniatures � Games Workshop 2003. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Dan Moore
A conversion Mandrake (right) next to a GW Mandrake model. I am pretty pleased with the conversion as it looks like the original model
A conversion Grotesque (left) next to a GW Grotesque model.    This conversion is servicable but needs more "alterations" to look like the original model
A mandrake made with bits from the warrior sprue.  The shoulder pads were carved away and a head from a jetbike rider was added
A Grotesque  made with bits from the warrior sprue.  The hands were cut off and blades glued on.   The blades were from some splinter rifles
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