Dark Eldar - Archon
Dark Eldar
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Miniatures � Games Workshop 2004. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Dan Moore
The Dark Eldar Archon/Archite, when properly equipped, is arguably one of the best close combat units in the game. A high initative and weapon skill coupled with combat drugs and an agonizer can make this character a terror on the battlefield.  The most popular equipment for this character are combat drugs, shadowfield, and agonizer/pistol.  The combat drugs are  typically taken to give +1 attack and re-roll close combat misses.  The shadowfield provides a 2+ invulnerable save, which should keep this character alive for many rounds of combat.

Other pages of interest:

Archon with Trophy Rack conversion

Archon on Jetbike conversion.
An alternative configuration for an Archon with Punisher and Tormentor helm.  The addition of combat drugs and the Animus Vitae allow this character to have multiple Strength 6 power weapon attacks!
A typical Archon model.   This one has been converted to have trophy racks which give +1 leadership after an enemy is killed. Check out the conversion.
An Archon on jetbike conversion.  This character is equipped with a power weapon. Check out the conversion
Lelith Hesperax can also be used to represent an Archite.  Her high weapon skill combined with wych weapons will insure that mose opponents can only hit her on a dice roll of 5 or higher.
Check out the Wych Cult of Strife
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