Dark Eldar - Haemonculus
Dark Eldar
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Miniatures � Games Workshop 2004. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Dan Moore
The Dark Eldar Haemonculus is a low cost headquarters choice that has a unique range of weapons to choose from.  The Destructor is the most popular weapon as it uses a flamer template and has variable armor penetration.  Haemonculi are a good choice to carry a webway portal if you use one.  Their higher toughness and multiple wounds will help to insure that they survive long enough to delploy the portal.

Other pages of interest:

Haemonculus on Jetbike conversion.
A  Haemonculus on jetbike.
Check out this conversion.
A Haemonculus with destructor accompanied by a one of his creations, a grotesque.
A pair of Haemonculi with destructors
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