Dark Eldar - Incubi
Dark Eldar
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Miniatures � Games Workshop 2004. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Dan Moore
Dark Eldar Incubi are a retinue choice for Archons and Dracons.  This unit is undoubtedly one of the best marine-killing units in the game owing to its high initiative, high weapon skill, and multiple power weapon attacks.  Incubi are a good retinue choice for higher point games (1250+ points) especially when the opposition wears power armor.  Usually a squad size of 5 is sufficient for most games.  An incubi squad can take up to two blasters or shredders, however most players do not take these assault weapons because it greatly diminishes the squad's close combat effectiveness. An Incubi retinue is most effective when mounted in a raider transport so that they can quickly get into close combat.

Other pages of interest:

A tournament army with a Dracon and Incubi
A five-man Incubi retinue.  This is the optimum-sized squad for most games.
Dracon Kaleethra Amanea,  with  her Incubi retinue
Two Incubi with different paint schemes.  The model on the left features a traditional color scheme, while the model on the right features a more colorful flame effect scheme.
An Incubi model from the Asdrubael Vect  kit.  This model can be used as an HQ or Incubi master if needed.
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