Dark Eldar - Wyches
Dark Eldar
Photos Section  (click on thumbnail to enlarge it)
Miniatures � Games Workshop 2004. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Dan Moore
Dark Eldar Wyches are arguably the best Elites choice available in the army.  They cost less than the other choices, they offer lots of squad upgrades, and they are the best in close combat. The most popular configuration for a Wych squad is to take a 10-man unit with wych weapons and a succubus  and put them on a Raider transport.  This unit can get into close combat fast and wear down just about any opponent.

Other pages of interest:

A Wych Cult tournament army

A tournament army with a single Wych squad

A generic Wych Cult Army list

A converted Raider designed to hold 10 Wyches
A Succubus and two wyches with wych weapons
A 10-model Wych squad featuring Wych weapons and a Succubus with agonizer. This is the most popular squad configuration for a Raider mounted unit designed to get into close combat quickly.  This unit can theoretically move and assault up to 26" if they use fleet-of-foot, 32" if they get a 12" assault from combat drugs
Close-ups of the individual models showing their tatoos. I used a Pigma pen for these
Another wych trio. The model with the blaster is a conversion
A custom Wych raider that has been extended so that it can carry a full complement of 10 wyches.  There are small magnets in the Raider deck to hold the models in place.  Check out this conversion.
Another close-up of a Succubus and a wyche with Falchion and Snare
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