Dark Eldar - Warpbeasts
Dark Eldar
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Miniatures � Games Workshop 2004. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Dan Moore
Dark Eldar Warpbeasts are the best points bargain in the entire army.  For 75 points you get a unit that can move and charge up to 24" in a turn and hit hard with 20 Strength 4 attacks and 3 Agonizer attacks.  The biggest liabilities of this unit are that they are few iin numbers and poorly armored.  They don't hold up well to shooting nor to have much staying power in assaults.  This unit is good for advancing behind your Wych raider (for cover) and then assisting the Wych squad when they assault.

Other pages of interest:

A Wych Cult tournament army with Warpbeasts

A 6-model Warpbeast squad featuring a Beastmaster with Agonizer.  This unit can do some serious damage on the charge.  The key is to get them into close combat quickly before they get shot at.
Close-ups of the Warpbeasts in profile
Close-up of the Beastmaster
Wych Cult armies are fun in part because you can take multiple squads of warpbeasts.  Here are three squads that I used in a recent tournament army.  Check it out here.
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