Dark Eldar - Grotesques
Dark Eldar
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Miniatures � Games Workshop 2004. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Dan Moore
Dark Eldar Grotesques are a unit that you seldom see in most armies. This a pity since they are one of the more durable units in the army owing to the fact that they have two wounds AND are immune to shooting weapons of strength 5 or less.  Grotesques are typically used in one of two ways.  A large squad on the ground makes an excellent human shield to screen your more fragile shooting units (warriors, scourges) from enemy fire.  A 9-man squad can  also used as a fast assault unit by mounting them on a Raider and attaching a Haemonculus to lead them.  Grotesques have the unique ability to make opponents automatically fall back if they lose close combat. This offers the possiblity of destroying an enemy unit outright with crossfire.  The advent of the Trial Assault Rules has greatly diminished this ability by elimnating crossfire.

Other pages of interest:

A neat tactic for using an Archon with Grotesques

Making converted Grotesques with plastic Warrior bits

A low cost, ground-based army that features Grotesques
Two Grotesques:  The one on the left is standard model from a blister pack.  The one on the right is a  made with bits from the plastic Warriors sprue.  Check out this conversion
A close-up of three Grotesques.  This unit is designed purely for assaults since they possess no shooting capability.  Instead they have two wounds and two attacks.
A 9-man unit of Grotesques with a Haemonculus leading them.  These guys can be great as a human shield to screen friendly units behind them from enemy fire. They are essentially immune to weapons fire below strength 6.
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