Dark Eldar - Warrior Squads
Dark Eldar
Photos Section  (click on thumbnail to enlarge it)
Miniatures � Games Workshop 2004. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Dan Moore
Warriors form the core of any Dark Eldar Kabal army.  Ground based units typically are fielded in one of two ways, either as a large (14-18 man) squad with splinter cannons and blasters/shredders or as a 10-man anti-tank sniper squad with two dark lances.  Sometimes the large squad will feature a sybarite with poisoned blades or agonizer  for close combat.

Other pages of interest:

Building a warrior army on a budget

A tournament army built around ground-based warrior squads.
A large foot squad with blasters and splinter cannons. This unit can deliver a substantial amount of firepower, and it holds up well to enemy fire by sheer numbers.
A Sniper squad with two dark lances.  This small unit is great for hiding in cover  Its dark lances can destroy any vehicle
Female Sybarite, with agonizer
A warrior with dark lance
Warriors with Splinter Rifles
Close up of warriors
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