Dark Eldar - Raider Squads
Dark Eldar
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Miniatures � Games Workshop 2004. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Dan Moore
Warriors form the core of any Dark Eldar Kabal army.  Raider Squads embody all of the strengths of the army: speed, mobility, and firepower. The most popular configuration for a Raider squad is a full 10-man unit with splinter cannon and a blaster or shredder. Another, less used, configuration is to equip the squad with a dark lance in addition to the dark lance on the raider.  This offers a unit with two dark lances that can be independently targetted.

Other pages of interest:

A beginners guide to building a skimmer-based  army

A tournament army built around Raider  squads.

Raider conversions

Building a Raider with a removable tail section

A Raider with swappable gunners

A Raider with a removable base

Using magnets to hold passengers on your Raider

A carrying case for your Raiders
A 10-man Raider squad with blaster and splinter cannon. This unit is fast and versatile. It can provide fire support or assist with assaults.
A Raider squad mounted on their transport.  This squad is actually mounted to removable floor boards. Check out this conversion
A 5-man Raider squad with dark lance.  This unit costs about the same as a 10-man warrior squad with dark lances, however it is more mobile and each dark lance can be independently targetted.
This Raider squad is accompanied by a haemonculus as a low cost HQ choice.  This is a great option for low points games.
A Raider with slave snares.  Check out this conversion.
A Raider with screaming jets..  Check out this conversion.
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