Dark Eldar - Reaver Jetbikes
Dark Eldar
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Miniatures � Games Workshop 2004. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Dan Moore
Reaver jetbikes are one of my favorite dark eldar units.  The models look great on the battlefield and they earn their points in almost every game.  The most popular configuration for this unit is as a tank-hunting squad consisting of 3 to 6 models with 2 blasters.  Jetbikes also make a fairly potent assault unit  provided that they have sufficient numbers, typically 7-10 models.  A Reaver succubus also makes a nice addition to bolster the unit's assault capability.

Other pages of interest:

A Kabal tournament army with jetbikes

A Wych Cult tournament army with jetbikes

A tactic for using jetbikes to block transport exits

A battle report where  jetbikes did block transport exits

An award-winning Reaver Succubus conversion

A Jetbike conversion with interchangeable weapons

Another similar conversion that utilizes magnets

My thoughts on ways to improve jetbikes
A 6-man jetbike squad is an ideal tank-hunting unit.  This unit is fast and has the abiilty to destroy even the toughest targets. They also withstand enemy fire fairly well, especially if they use their turbo-boost to move across the battlefield. A close-up view of a jetbike that shows my flame effect color scheme
A front view of the Reaver Succubus
A Reaver Succubus with power weapon and Tormentor Helm Check out this conversion
This jetbike that has interchangeable weapons that are held in place with magnets.  Check out this conversion
A Reaver jetbike swarm!  I presently have enough models to field 3 large squads in a game.
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